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Everything posted by Rustymuscle

  1. Are you talking about the cast iron sign? I found on Ebay. It had aluminum CTA appliques on each side to cover the CSL embossing. I drilled the rivets and removed the appliques. The refinished CSL sign I show is located at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union. If you are talking about the later type of sign, those are on Ebay occasionally, too. I also just picked up the Lind book on Ebay; page 323 shows the CSL sign installed at 71st and Vincennes.
  2. Thanks for all the information! I have looked at hundreds of photographs and finally found one on trolleybuses.net. As you can see in the photo this sign is on trolley bus route 85, somewhere on Central Avenue. Interestingly, this sign doesn't have a white border and the sign I procured had paint remnants of white paint on the words and border. The CSL logo had remnants of silver paint. Couple questions. First, CSL buses were mostly electric trolleys? Or, over time did they become more motor buses? Also, when CSL started bus service around 1930 were the buses mostly for connections to their street cars, which then served the loop? Again, thanks for the great information! 85trolley by Rustymuscle, on Flickr
  3. Funny you mention that as it occurred to me that by uncovering one treasure I was destroying another! Thanks for the information. My assumption was these would have been used in the loop area. I've scoured hundreds of loop photos and found nothing. I'll now look around old photos from outlying areas.
  4. Thanks for the information. I think I solved the issue in an amazing way. I noted the CTA logo appeared to be an applique. And, I found a photo of the same sign, but for Chicago Surface Lines Bus Stop. So, I carefully drilled the rivets holding the applique and uncovered the orignal CSL logo. It is the same sign as this one at the Illinois Railway Museum. This confirms the red background. However, it appears the CSL logo was painted silver and not white. http://www.flickr.co...N03/5604948828/ 3648470521_ce31af63bd_b[1] by Rustymuscle, on Flickr
  5. Hello, I recently picked up this CTA bus stop sign on Ebay. It was the type that was mounted on a pole secured to the sidewalk. I was wondering... ...if someone might have a photo of one in use? And an approximate date of usage? ...if someone might have information on the actual, original color scheme? In cleaning the sign up a bit before restoring, I see what appears to be original red paint on the background, green paint on the background over the red, and green paint residue over the CTA circular logo. I have a hunch the circular CTA logo may have been in original service in the unpainted natural silver color. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! RM
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