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Everything posted by ajcalcote1982

  1. You know what bus series the CTA low-floor 1000-series buses, especially the newer 1000's, 1630-2029, which we have now, remind me of? The RTA/Pace 8200-series buses.
  2. Here's my idea for a new bus route: #199 Loop-Medical District bus line. This line would operate daily - 7 days a week - from 4:30 a.m to 1:15 a.m. between the Jackson Blue line and the Polk Pink line stations. It would operate westbound via Dearborn, Adams, Clark, Harrison, Paulina, and Polk to the Polk Pink line station. It would then turn around via Polk, Damen, Harrison, Wood, and return to Polk for the eastbound trip via Polk, Paulina, Harrison, and Dearborn to the Jackson Blue line station. This bus line would be perfect for Pink line passengers who need direct trips to O'Hare, and also passengers who need to get on the Pink line going west.
  3. My favorite Pace bus is the Southern Suburban 2400's.
  4. My ideal route reassignments would be as follows: #3 King Drive Local/#X3 King Drive Express: from 77th to 103rd #4 Cottage Grove Local/#X4 Cottage Grove Express: also from 77th to 103rd #9 Ashland Local/#X9 Ashland Express: from 74th to Archer #71 71st/South Shore: from 77th to 103rd #84 Peterson: from Forest Glen to North Park #92 Foster: also from Forest Glen to North Park, since one other route not assigned to Forest Glen serves Jefferson Park Blue Line terminal Thank you.
  5. I am posting to ask why there is an absence of RTA logos on the newest CTA buses. Thank you.
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