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Everything posted by EdwardL803

  1. I created this map a few months ago. It shows most (if not all) of the cancelled track elevation projects within the city of Chicago. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1kJsRwlQXucygI2rEE4yOQJBrR5lJD0Y In the early part of the 20th century, ordinances were passed by Chicago's City Council to elevate these portions of the rail lines within the city's boundaries. The projects were unfortunately never completed due to various reasons. You can read more about those cancelled projects here. https://www.chicagorailfan.com/elevacxl.html You can actually read the track elevation ordinances from the City Council's proceedings via this resource. http://chsmedia.org/media/fa/fa/LIB/CouncilProcGuide.htm
  2. The Illinois Railway Museum (IRM) recently posted a whole bunch of Metra timetables from the last 20 years or so on their website. There are PDFs for all of the commuter rail network's lines. http://irm-cta.org/TT/TT.html (scroll all the way down) http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/BNSF/BNSF.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/HC/HC.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/MD-N/MD-N.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/MD-W/MD-W.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/ME/ME.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/NC/NC.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/RI/RI.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/SW/SW.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/UP-N/UP-N.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/UP-NW/UP-NW.html http://irm-cta.org/TT/Metra/UP-W/UP-W.html
  3. Does anyone know where I can find a list that shows discontinued Pace bus routes by the year they went out of service?
  4. I have an infrastructural transit finance question. It's specifically regarding the at-grade portions of Metra's UP-NW Line in Chicago (between Foster and Ozanam Avenues). https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1quZeHR_46dbs_6QG-YHrLQlNIofj5Zo&usp=sharing Chicago's City Council passed legislation in 1929 requiring the railroad (which was then C&NW) to elevate the tracks by 1933. The deadline was then extended to 1939. These efforts were never completed. Here are a few links on the topic. https://archive.org/details/proceedingsofcit107chic/page/860/mode/2up https://imgur.com/a/PisHxng https://www.chicagorailfan.com/elevcnww.html https://www.chicagorailfan.com/elevacxl.html What would it cost to undertake such a project today? How much money would need to be spent to elevate this portion of the UP-NW Line within Chicago?
  5. Thanks @artthouwill and @Busjack for the responses. Does a link exist for the discussion you had with @strictures on the topic? I'd love to see what else what else was said.
  6. This comment is regarding the former Skokie and Weber subdivisions on the C&NW railroad. https://www.chicagorailfan.com/abancnws.html https://www.chicagorailfan.com/mscnwy.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Pacific_Northwest_Line#Stations If the rails weren't abandoned and passenger service didn't cease in 1958, how do you think they would've fit in the overall transit network of the Chicagoland area. Do you think they would've been absorbed by Metra? If so, how do you think the subdivisions would've been operated?
  7. No need to apologize. This is great! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Where can I find a list that shows discontinued CTA bus routes by the year they went out of service?
  9. Why is there a shelter near Kedzie & Keeler on the UP-W line? Do trains actually stop there? Google Streetview: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8877438,-87.7308258,3a,75y,58.38h,81.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szQfbMQQA2X740Ol_gZ2L0w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  10. What exactly do the signs labelled "1/2" indicate? Are they half-mile markers?
  11. Oh wow I didn't realize the Kenosha subdivision (or today's UP-N line) used to have three tracks. When was the third track removed?
  12. While looking at this old aerial of the Norwood Park Metra station, I noticed there used to be a pedestrian crossing between the platforms. https://hub-cookcountyil.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/dfc9621d3e3e45e8934445e1d11da686/explore Why and when was this removed? Other stations on the UP-NW line (like Jefferson Park, Edison Park, and Park Ridge) still have pedestrian crossings. Is there a reason why these are still in operation while the Norwood Park one was removed? Were any other pedestrian crossings removed?
  13. Here are two web maps displaying Metra's grade crossings. In the pop-ups for the points, there's a attribute labelled "MP." It stands for the mile designation for that specific grade crossing. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=300e82f3841546fc9aa2a599599fcd80 https://gis.yesvirginia.org/datasets/11d2e5328c8c4383936b07eed9c2a871_0/explore?location=41.828164%2C-87.802087%2C13.59
  14. When did the bus routes that run in Evanston (the 200-level routes) come under CTA's operation?
  15. What are some examples of interlining on the CTA’s L network in Chicago?
  16. Weren't some of the interurbans in direct competition with the railroads? I'm pretty sure sections of the CA&E ran alongside today's UP-W line and a good portion of the North Shore Line was parallel with today's UP-N line. I would think the railroad companies would've bought out those parts of the interurban systems.
  17. I had a Chicago transit history question. Did the Metropolitan Main Line and the Garfield Park Branch (former elevated rapid transit lines) run in an alley between Van Buren and Congress? Was their layout/configuration similar to the South Side Elevated branch of the Green Line?
  18. Thanks for the response and information. The "Airport Express" you mentioned in your response, is that the train that was supposed to be accommodated by the Block 37 superstation? I just did a few quick measurements on Google Maps. It seems like the median at Nagle Avenue is in fact narrower than near Jefferson Park. It looks like the left-hand shoulders that abut the median at Nagle are larger in width.
  19. Huh, I didn't realize the width of the median changes west of the Jefferson Park stop. Is the highway's left-hand shoulders wider near Nagle Avenue?
  20. Speaking from a structural standpoint, would it be possible to construct an infill station on the Blue line at Nagle Avenue? I live on the far northwest side of the city. I've always wondered why there's no station in between the Jefferson Park and Harlem stops. Based on this tweet, that gap seems to be around 2.7 miles. That seems to be a very large interval without a station. https://twitter.com/chi_urbanist/status/1431441249295380483 This made me wonder if the ridership demand was there, the NIMBY reactions from local residents was low, and the CTA actually had the capital funding (I understand these are all major assumptions) could a Nagle stop be built? Once again, I'm asking from a structural standpoint. Could a design like the one at Montrose be imitated? Would the curve just east of Nagle cause any issues with the layout (https://rtams.org/capital/50280)? Is there even enough space in the median for an island platform? I understand I'm making major assumptions regarding the demand, potential NIMBYism, and finances. Nonetheless, I'm curious to hear people's responses. I thank you in advance for your insight and transit knowledge.
  21. Does something like Toronto's service summary documents exist for CTA's bus routes and rail lines? https://ttc-cdn.azureedge.net/-/media/Project/TTC/DevProto/Documents/Home/Transparency-and-accountability/Service-Summary_2022-07-31.pdf?rev=bbc23d0b483540a685c838308df1813a
  22. Does something like this exist for Pace? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chicago_Transit_Authority_bus_routes#Former_Routes That is, a comprehensive list of former bus routes.
  23. Yeah, I totally understand how unfeasible the idea is. I just wanted to inform cplanner13 that Metra did study/consider the idea in the past.
  24. The IHB line is in fact mentioned in Metra's "Inner Circumferential Commuter Rail Feasibility Study" from 1999. https://metra.com/sites/default/files/2021-01/April 1999 - Feasibility Study - Inner Circumferential Commuter Rail .pdf
  25. Is there a name for the location near Western Avenue where the Milwaukee District lines cross the UP West line? Also, what’s the history behind this junction of rail lines?
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