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New Flyer training bus on Lincoln.


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This morning while waiting for the southbound Lincoln bus at Bryn Mawr a 1000 series New Flyer training bus drove by. An RTS was right behind so we got to follow the Flyer pretty closely, which turned east onto Foster. I also saw a 5800 series New Flyer northbound at about the same time with an amber destination sign. It's the first time I've seen that. Being able to read the destination sign was a nice change!

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This morning while waiting for the southbound Lincoln bus at Bryn Mawr a 1000 series New Flyer training bus drove by. An RTS was right behind so we got to follow the Flyer pretty closely, which turned east onto Foster. I also saw a 5800 series New Flyer northbound at about the same time with an amber destination sign. It's the first time I've seen that. Being able to read the destination sign was a nice change!

Both 5851 and 5852 from NP have amber destination signs. One of the two is probably what you sawy

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They were probably just tests before the signs were specified for 6709 and later. 5850 had a different type of flip sign (see post 1687). Since the 5800s went through the full rehab, I doubt that they will be further modified.

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