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Bus still in use?


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I was checking out the hopetunnel website last night and noticed a picture of Bus # 4784 on there in very bad shape. It looked as if the bus caught fire and would've been scrapped. However, I think I saw this bus a short time back on the #50 Damen route. Does anyone remeber seeing this bus on the road after 11/26/04???

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When I made the comment about burned out hulks at 77 & Perry [in the thread "Questions about 5500s..."] one of them was an RTS with the rear melted. I didn't see the number, but it looked like the one in the picture.

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It's possible either the bus was repaired, or I misread the number. There was an article in the Tribune about that fire, too.

Speaking of buses in bad shape, I saw 4561 heading back to North Park with some mechanical problem, going about a mile an hour


By the time it had turned off Kimball onto Foster Avenue, the engine door was opened, and it continued to limp along! Yes, this bus is moving:


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That's amazing. IMO, they should've pulled the bus over to the side and called for a hook to haul the bus away because that is a major traffic impedment. Do you happen to know the title of that article or perhaps the date it occured? I'm curious to know what gutted #4784 like that. Usually, the journalists get that kind of information.

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...that is a major traffic impedment.

Let me put it this way... I was stuck behind it on Kimball, got around it, parked, walked up to my third floor apartment to grab something, had a glass of water and a quick snack, went back downstairs, got back in the car, turned left on Foster, and got stuck behind it again at Spaulding!

Re: the bus fire, here's what I found in the Tribune archives:

You don't see that very often; [Chicago Final Edition]  

Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Ill.: Nov 25, 2004. pg. 3  

Abstract (Document Summary)  

PHOTO; A CTA bus that caught fire catches the eye of Kirsten Jensen as she heads...


Full Text (50   words)  

(Copyright 2004 by the Chicago Tribune)

Caption text only.


PHOTO; Caption: PHOTO: A CTA bus that caught fire catches the eye of Kirsten Jensen as she heads to work Wednesday. The bus caught fire on East Wacker Drive during the morning commute. Its driver and passengers got out safely. Tribune photo by David Klobucar.

So it wasn't really an article, just a captioned photograph. I don't know if I still have it around or not, but if anyone happens by a library, it's page 3 of the Metro section, 11/25/04.

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