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old cta photos

cta 5555

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If he knows who to give credit to, fine. I think his quote before photos is good enough... Disclaimer:All Rights Reserved To The Respective Owners, whomever they are; not known at time of posting

I agree, Buslover88. The quote T8H5307A uses should be good enough. He is giving credit in an open way to the respective owners who he got the photos from. Good enough for me, IMO. Now let's please end this debate!!!

However, this opened up with whether the administrator should open a gallery, and he and I have responded to that.

While dead people who have sold slides probably aren't around to complain, the real issue, especially to sw, is whether you are willing to indemnify the administrator if someone brings suit under the Copyright Act, as amended. (You can start your search of Copyright Office materials here). Otherwise, it is sort of like Jewel saying a bit of salmonella is o.k., so long as it says that the SuperValu warehouse is clean. Also, as previously noted, the picture of 8703 probably comes within the last sentence.

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However, this opened up with whether the administrator should open a gallery, and he and I have responded to that.

While dead people who have sold slides probably aren't around to complain, the real issue, especially to sw, is whether you are willing to indemnify the administrator if someone brings suit under the Copyright Act, as amended. (You can start your search of Copyright Office materials here). Otherwise, it is sort of like Jewel saying a bit of salmonella is o.k., so long as it says that the SuperValu warehouse is clean. Also, as previously noted, the picture of 8703 probably comes within the last sentence.

The #8703 is actually from the Krambles/Peterson archive. It has appeared at least in three spots that I know of. It's a pretty popular pic.

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The #8703 is actually from the Krambles/Peterson archive. It has appeared at least in three spots that I know of. It's a pretty popular pic.
Credit given. Now have a nice day!

That certainly doesn't resolve the copyright question, though. The book says "Copyright ©1993 by the George Krambles Transit Scholarship Fund.... All rights reserved. Nor part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form, except for brief quotations, or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying or recording, nor by any informational storage retrieval system, without permission in writing..." (emphasis added).

Hence, credit given does not comply with this copyright notice. If, in fact, that is the source, it should be deleted, unless you have written permission, and can deliver it to the administrator.

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Ok deleted. Have a nice day. Saying that on the bus to disgruntled and irate passengers on the bus usually works, so maybe it will work here! Now you'll have to find something else to complain about!

Well, I for one am very disappointed. I really would like to see that 3501 with the bat wings or bus o rama. That was so rare. Could you please put it up again with whatever disclaimer would make everyone happy????

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