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Blago coming to a bus near you


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Personally, I like the idea of seeing Ex-Gov. Froot Loops on a bus in his 14-yr. environment with a slogan that fits him to a "T", but anyone think this might quickly turn into a Patti Blagojevich v. CTA lawsuit? I'm sure she'll see one of these buses eventually when they start rolling.


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Personally, I like the idea of seeing Ex-Gov. Froot Loops on a bus in his 14-yr. environment with a slogan that fits him to a "T", but anyone think this might quickly turn into a Patti Blagojevich v. CTA lawsuit? I'm sure she'll see one of these buses eventually when they start rolling.


As some others pointed out on Tribune comment boards, there might be an issue that being a political, and hence public figure, this is fair use. Of course, the question may be if it is Blago the pistachio pitcher or Celebrity Apprentice who is complaining, and I figure that the pistachio company had to pay Kermit the Frog and Charlie Brown (or more correctly, their syndicates). In any event, I assume the suit would be against the radio station, or possibly the ad agency. Patti wouldn't have the cause of action (it isn't her picture), Milorad would, but he would have to get leave from the prison to testify on his own behalf, and, again, the first question on cross-examination would be "you are a convicted liar, aren't you?"

Since the bottom portion (not shown in the original Tribune story) was "to FM News 101.1," the ad, in effect, has no point, in that Feder indicates that nobody listens to that station. But that's part of his Randy Michaels obsession.

The more substantive issue was CTA getting sued in the 90s for refusing ads, there being a First Amendment issue since it is a public agency, but apparently it has decided to take the money. This is similar to the CTA Tattler story about taking an AIDS ad.

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