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Summer 2024 Bus Pick


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Good afternoon everyone. Any information on when the Summer 2024 Bus Pick is taking place? I'm not sure if it's June 9th or June 16th. Aside from the seasonal #10/#130 Museum trips, the #35/#63/#72/#78 weekday beach 🚍⛱️ trips, the #125 Navy Pier 10:30PM - Midnight extended trips and the UofC #171/#172 rush hour trips, what possible changes are in the works?

Edited by renardo870
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On 5/29/2024 at 9:22 PM, Tcmetro said:

65 Grand getting later service on weekdays and Saturdays. 


Finally! This was something that was long over due. Hopefully, it will run later in the future (EB From Nordica @ 11:00PM and  WB from Navy Pier @ Midnight) if demand should warrant it. But this is a positive start for the 65 Grand route.

Edited by renardo870
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Avoid Michigan Ave ,State Street, and Clark during the Evening rush, you'll be better of using the "L" getting in or out of Downtown during June and early July . Any bus routes serving downtown specifically the local feeders and LSD routes you will be stuck in gridlock. I learned my lesson last year working the #2 and #3 last summer and it was not pretty at all. Hopefully, OEMC and CDOT have coordinated a better traffic strategy to combat that this summer.

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