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Minneapolis "t" Buses....


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I have yet to ride a Nova LFS, so I couldn't comment.

492 was on the 542 today and yesterday, and 490 was on the 54 2 days ago. I wonder where the other 3 are (there are 3 parked in front of South Garage, and 2 went to MVTA).

1218, 1223, and 1228 were seen at MOA with ads on routes 5 and 515, so I guess most of the 12xx are in.

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  On 8/27/2010 at 4:15 PM, Tcmetro said:

493 was on the 542. 7123 and 3145 were repainted (but the yellow paint isn't on the front yet).

Also MVTA unveiled 4048, one of two 2010 Gillig BRT's with the new paint scheme:



Another Gillig!!! Urrgghhh!!


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Several 2007 Gillig LF's have been repainted. They are 7110, 7113, and 7115. I also saw 3145 was repainted. None of them had yellow paint on the front though.

MT Gillig Hybrid 7209 and Met Council Phantom 6672 were at Detrit Diesel/Interstate a few days ago as well.

Scott County is looking at buying a former dealership and reusing it as a bus garage and park and ride. It looks like they want to build a direct ramp to Hwy. 169. This site along with the existing Southbridge site and the Eagle Creek site that is under construction would meet the park and ride needs of the area until 2030 (according to Met Council estimates):

January 15 article:http://www.shakopeenews.com/news/general_news/scott_county_eyes_hecker_site_transit_hub-101

August 27 article: http://www.shakopeenews.com/news/general_news/hecker_site_back_picture_possible_transit_hub-108

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The highest numbers for new buses I have seen are 1229 and 7220. The Go Greener wraps are finally being taken off after nearly 3 years. I wonder when the Cedar BRT and Bus 2.0 wraps will be gone from MVTA buses. I want to be able to see out the windows again! :lol:

I saw that Rt. 87 is now using the new 30' LF's. I saw that 6093 was on the 87 and 6097 on the 32 yesterday at Rosedale. 490 was on the 84 as well.

Things are similar to last year at the State Fair. I saw the Xcelsior on the SW Transit Fair Express. Rt. 960 was using Phantoms, and I also saw a Hybrid on it at the downtown layover.

The transit system will be very crowded on Thursday evening, thanks to the simultaneous Twins and Vikings games, as well as the ongoing State Fair. The LRT will be mega-packed as usual, as will Northstar. There will be 1 southbound train (the regularly scheduled reverse commute trip) with upwards of 8-cars being run. Coming back there will be 2 extra trains, one 30 min after the Twins, another an hour after the Vikings. On Hiawatha there will be direct buses from 28th Ave and Fort Snelling to the Metrodome and Target Field. Coming back the buses will make all stops (not direct like going to downtown) at Target Field, Metrodome, Fort Snelling, 28th, and Mall of America. There will also be a 1-car train that will serve all of the stations north of Fort Snelling, so people in Minneapolis won't be unable to board a train. The Twins Express (Rt. 679) from Cty 73/394 will also be running as well as all of the State Fair Express Service and 960, 3F shuttles, and 84 extras. Thank god all of this is happening after Rush Hour, it would be nuts if the games were 2 hours earlier or so.


Metro Transit is also coming out with a "Student Pass" that will offer unlimited rides in a semester for High School students. It will be available at only a few schools, basically all Minneapolis public high schools and a few others. I wish these passes were available instead of the 10-ride cards that I used to have to get (and any non-Minneapolis students have to).


It looks like all of the South Side schools as well as Edison (in Northeast) will get extras to handle the demand. 6, 10, 18, 21, 22, 23 and 46 will all have extra trips. Route 11 will be extended to Washburn High in December with the 35W/46th St changes.


The final plan for 35W/46th St is available. Route 146 will remain, and 46 and 135 will not be extended. The extension of Route 113 will happen on Sept. 7th, while all the other changes will happen in December.


Finally, Metro Transit route changes will happen on Sept. 7th and 11th. It is mostly U of M service additions or timing adjustments. The "major" changes are:

- Route 5G (the 3-trip mid evening service to North Memorial) will be eliminated

- 1 new trip on Rt. 16

- 3-car trains/reduced RH frequency on Hiawatha LRT, connecting buses will have time adjustments

- 113 will be extended to 56th/Lyndale on most trips

- 114B to Southdale via Xerxes will be eliminated

- 1 added trip on Rt. 141 (no new schedule)

- 1 AM trip on Rt. 250 extended to begin at St. Joesph's Church P&R

- 260C reverse commute service to Terminal Rd. eliminated, several trips will be eliminated.

- Midday 260 service now Rt. 264, with some trips serving Twin Lakes P&R and bypassing 4th Ave SE

- 1 SB trip on Rt. 467 eliminated

- 1 new NB trip on Rt. 587

- MVTA changes described in an earlier post

- 2 new trips on Maple Grove 784 (to become 785 in Oct.), in anticipation of the new Parkway Transit Station opening in October


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Well the new 445 schedule showing the stops is available: http://www.metrotransit.org/Data/Sites/1/media/pdfs/Schedules/Routes/10/445.pdf

Good placement for most of the route, big fail around 149 though :( They only have a stop in the one location i've never seen riders wait at :lol: Riders usually board at Opperman/149 and Yankee Doodle/149. Occasionally there could be someone boarding at the UPS truck entrance but not often, plus it's not very safe IMO to cross 149 where cars and trucks whiz by at 55-60 mph without a crosswalk and signal. Then again riders have been playing chicken with the traffic on Yankee Doodle long enough without any accidents so I guess it'll work.

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I finally made it up to Anoka County to see what buses were running up there. At Northtown I saw MCI 210 on Rt. 860, Gillig Phantom 689 in Maple Grove colors, Cutaway 6646 on Rt. 831 (usually on Rt. 540), and Blue Bird 01514 on Rt. 805. The 805 is a long route, and the Blue Birds are not fun to ride. They do however have the same seating layout and the same style seats as MVTA's retired Blue Birds. The 805 showed up 30 min late, because apparently the bus broke down. :rolleyes: Most of the roads are recently paved in the area, but when the bus goes down 119th Ave, the loud crashing sounds of the wheelchair ramp, and the poor suspension give a bone-rattling ride. While on the 805, a Phantom was coming in the opposite direction, however I could not get the fleet number. It will be nice to see the new Gillig LF's in a few months. :)

In Anoka, I took the 852 to downtown, which was much slower than I thought. It gets very good ridership for such a long route. There is a detour that adds about 5 minutes because the buses have to take 94 to Shingle Creek, cross the freeway, then enter onto 694, and reverse for southbound.

Here are the pictures:




Or look at the larger ones in my photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52701740@N06/

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I wasn't able to get to the State Fair this year to get pictures :(. I did go past and it looks like it was the same as last year though.

According to the minutes of the Aug. 23rd Transportation Committee meeting, there are 887 active buses, 307 low-floors in the new scheme, and 224 older buses in the new scheme.


I also got the August copy of the SW Transit newsletter. The 7 am 699 trip will no longer serve East Creek, and will begin at 710 at Southwest Village as a 699L trip. One of the 697 trips in the morning will leave 5 minutes earlier. There is also a new U of M schedule that only shows 695 and 698, but it's not online.

I was able to ride MVTA 4111 (2009 MCI D4500) on the 465. It has less comfortable seats than the other MCI's, and the seats have the same design as the ones in the Gillig BRT's, plus there are no headrests. There was also one of those electronic stop request signs, but it wasn't in use.

I also rode one of SW Transit's Gillig BRT's, which was ridiculously nice. All the seats except the very front ones are raised on platforms, high back reclining seats, air and light controls on the ceiling, luggage racks, footrests. Basically everything a coach would have put into a Gillig. The best part was that the windows were not squeaking :lol:.

I then rode MVTA 4048 (2010 Gillig BRT). The new paint scheme does make the buses more visible, but I'm not so sure that I like it. The interior was the exact same design as the old Gilligs, but new designs on the seats.

Also the CTIB September meeting packet is up: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Final_September_Meeting_Packet.pdf

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  • 3 weeks later...

  On 8/5/2010 at 4:40 PM, Tcmetro said:

Thanks to Bus Driver Dude's blog for the info:

Maple Grove Transit will open the new Parkway Transit Station in October, near the new hospital:



Maple Grove New MCI Coach

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  On 9/27/2010 at 8:15 PM, Bus Driver Dude said:

The new New Flyer D60LFR have different interior seats compared to the earlier buses. Click HERE

Well I'm not surprised they aren't continuing with the plush commuter seats now that they've used up the 2006 contract options and moved on to the MNdot contract ones. Those plush seats are getting a workout on the 3, 16 and 50 lines and I bet they wear out quicker than typical transit bus seats. I am surprised they went with a different model than the GILLIG BRTs have though. The GILLIGs have American Seating Co. InSight model seats while these new D60LFRs have the Vision model. The two appear similar though so maybe the cushions/inserts are interchangeable. At least they aren't going with those awful (IMO) 4ONE Aries model seats like the light rail has.

  On 9/27/2010 at 9:07 PM, Bus Driver Dude said:

Looks nice :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new Transportation Committee Agenda is out for Monday's meeting:


Of interesting note in the agenda, the purchase of 25 D60LFR's under a State contract, to be delivered in mid-2011, to replace the 1999 D60LF's, and 15 of the 1998 D60's that I guess are being kept until next year. It looks like the cost is ~$682,000 each.


MVTA's Sept. 22 meeting info, not much interesting:


And the board packet:


SW Transit Sept. 23 meeting packet, nothing really interesting either:


SW Transit service changes, Dec. 6th:


Some 690 and 699 trips are being eliminated or combined into 698 trips, more 695 trips, the Southdale stop on the 695 is being canceled, midday 603 service is gone, and the 631 is being brought back (again!) to provide service to Southdale.

Plymouth Metrolink Sept. 22 meeting packet:


Looks like they're going to test Wi-Fi on the buses, otherwise nothing much is new.

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There is a ton of new CTIB documents as well:

Sept 15 meeting packet: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Final_September_Meeting_Packet.pdf

Sept 15 meeting presentations: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/September_15_Board_Meeting_Handouts_and_Presentations.pdf

Hiawatha Operating Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Hiawatha_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

Northstar Operating Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Northstar_Operating_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

35W Lakeville Express Operating Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/I-35W_Operating_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

Cedar Express Operating Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Cedar_Operating_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

Northstar Ramsey Capital Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Northstar_Ramsey_Station_Grant_9-17-10_rev.pdf

Washington County Capital Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Wash_Co_2011_Grant_Presentation_GEARS_Mtg_10.pdf

SW LRT Capital Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/SWLRT_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

Central Corridor LRT Capital Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Central_Cooridor_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

Cedar BRT Capital Grant Request: http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Cedar_Capital_GEARS_10-4-10.pdf

And more: http://www.mnrides.org/resources/documents?tid=All

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I found the new route 285 (Columbus-Forest Lake-WBL-St. Paul) schedule:


According to a recent Star Tribune article, it will use ex-Northstar Coach buses, some of which are also used on the 856.

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Yesterday I went to check out some of the contract routes in the NW suburbs.

In Downtown, 60020, new MCI D4500CT, was on the 784 line.

In Robbinsdale, 6090 (2009 Gillig LF 30'), was on the 32, as well as 2 other 30' Gillig's that I didn't get the fleet numbers of.

Also at Robbinsdale, 6617 and 6619 were on the 716 and 717. They are the same model of minibus as 6616 that is on the 540. I think that these may be the ex-SW Transit minibuses they got in 2008 and returned to the Met Council in 2009, however I am not sure.

In Brooklyn Center, 2103, Blue Bird CS, was on the 801 line. The first thing I noticed was the rollsign. Some of the seats were the same as the old MVTA Blue Bird seats, and some were just gray. The bus also had a large back window, and when I was getting off I saw the builders plate by the door, but all I could read was 200x, so I am guessing this is a 2001 model (because of the fleet number). I think this bus could be part of the same order as the old Plymouth 21xx buses, or maybe it is one of the Plymouth buses. This bus rode a lot better that 1514 on the 805 a few weeks ago.

In Columbia Heights I saw 6060 on the 801 line going the opposite direction. It is an ex-Metro Transit (probably 400-series) Gillig Phantom. I saw this same bus on the 805 in Anoka a few Saturdays ago.


Also I think that Lorenz no longer operates the 25 on Saturdays. They are not mentioned anymore in the 9/11/10 schedule. This is probably because of the new Hybrids only rule on Nicollet Mall.

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  On 10/16/2010 at 12:26 PM, Tcmetro said:

Yesterday I went to check out some of the contract routes in the NW suburbs.



Also I think that Lorenz no longer operates the 25 on Saturdays. They are not mentioned anymore in the 9/11/10 schedule. This is probably because of the new Hybrids only rule on Nicollet Mall.

Besides Lorenz, who are the contractors for Metro?

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The other contractors are: First Transit, Transit Team, Robinson, DARTS and HSI.


I went to Downtown St. Paul today to check out the buses running on the new route 285. This line is operated by First Transit.




I also saw 6052 on the 275. This may be a former Metro Transit coach, now operated by Lorenz.



You can see the larger versions on my photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52701740@N06/

There was another coach on the 275 that I didn't take a picture of, because there was a lot of cops around, and I didn't want to look suspicious.

I also saw 6088, an ex-Metro Transit Gillig Phantom on the 262 line, operated by Lorenz.

It still feels weird to take photos of buses, I don't want the operators or the police to bother me. :rolleyes:

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  On 10/19/2010 at 12:10 AM, Tcmetro said:

The other contractors are: First Transit, Transit Team, Robinson, DARTS and HSI.


I went to Downtown St. Paul today to check out the buses running on the new route 285. This line is operated by First Transit.




I also saw 6052 on the 275. This may be a former Metro Transit coach, now operated by Lorenz.



You can see the larger versions on my photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52701740@N06/

There was another coach on the 275 that I didn't take a picture of, because there was a lot of cops around, and I didn't want to look suspicious.

I also saw 6088, an ex-Metro Transit Gillig Phantom on the 262 line, operated by Lorenz.

It still feels weird to take photos of buses, I don't want the operators or the police to bother me. :rolleyes:

I know of Lorenz, and I believe First Transit is actually the company formerly known as Laidlaw, but I never heard of Transit Team, HSI, DARTS, or Robinson (at least in the Twin Cities area). Who are they?

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Transit Team is a local operator of Metro Mobility paratransit vehicles. DARTS is an operator of senior citizen paratransit, however the Met Council reorganized funding last year, and they operate Metro Mobility and Transit Link (Regional Dial-A-Ride) in Dakota County. HSI is the same, except for Washington County. I believe Robinson is a private coach operator.

Transit Team operates the 538, 539, and 540. They also had the 612 until it was cancelled.

DARTS has the 417.

HSI has the 223.

Robinson has the 87.

Lorenz has the 32, 62C, 80, 262, 275, and 705. They may also have the 225 and 227, I can't remember.

First has the 219, 225?, 227?, 285, 288, 350, 351, 364, 604, 615, 664, 670, 716, 717, 721, 722, and 723. They also have the contracts for Plymouth, SouthWest, and the U of M.

We also have MV Transportation back. They used to operate the 538 and 539, but Transit Team got the contract. In the past month or two they began operating the 801, 805, 811, and 831 in Anoka County.

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I looked at the schedules online, and I have some corrections to the list of contractors:

223 is operated by First Transit now.

225/227 is operated by Robinson now.

According to this map, http://metrotransit.org/Data/Sites/1/media/pdfs/Schedules/RouteMaps/10/417Map.pdf, Route 417 is now operated by First, bus the schedule (from 2003) says otherwise.

According to this map, http://metrotransit.org/Data/Sites/1/media/pdfs/Schedules/RouteMaps/10/615Map.pdf, Route 615 is operated by Transit Team, but the schedule (from 2009) says otherwise.

So we now have:

Transit Team: 538, 539, 540, 615?

Robinson: 87, 225, 227

Lorenz: 32, 62C, 80, 262, 275, 705

First: 219, 223, 285, 288, 350, 351, 364, 604, 615?, 664, 670, 716, 717, 721, 722, 723, 856

MV Transportation: 801, 805, 811, 831

I am unsure about the 417 and 615, given the inconsistencies on the MT website.

It looks like HSI and DARTS may not be operating any contract routes right now, besides the Transit Link and Metro Mobility operations.

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Looks like it is another Thursday of new meeting agendas.

MVTA Board Oct. Meeting agenda: http://www.mvta.com/uploads/october_2010_packet.pdf

Looks like 2 more Gilligs next year to replace the ex-MT 1998 Gillig LF's.

Plymouth Metrolink Oct. meeting: http://plymouthmn.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4795

Apparently they have 2 ex-MT Gilligs (6080 and 6081), and they are considering replacing them with coaches. If they get coaches, then all of the bus systems in the metro will have coaches now (with the obvious exceptions of Metro Mobility and Transit Link) ;)

CTIB agenda, including a presentation on the Regional Transitway Guidelines branding proposal:http://www.mnrides.org/sites/default/files/downloads/October_meeting_packet.pdf

Met Council Transportation Committee: http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/Transportation/2010/1025/1025agenda.htm

Met Council Audit Committee (with a report on fare evasion on the Northstar Line): http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/audit/2010/102710/a102710ag.htm

Met Council Regional Transitway Guidelines Advisory Committee: http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/TransitwayAdvCmte/2010/10252010/Agenda-10252010.htm


In other news, I have seen that the DARTS cutaways have begun to be repainted in Metro Mobility and Transit Link paint schemes. I have also seen a former HSI cutaway in one of the two new schemes, but I can't remember which. I also saw a cutaway with gray and brown stripes with a Metro Mobility logo at Burnsville Station.

Also, Metro Transit will eliminate the 889 midday return express trip from Minneapolis to Coon Rapids and Anoka rail stations on Thursday October 28th: http://metrotransit.org/TransitArticles/Story.aspx?pageid=314&mid=431&articleid=188

Beginning on Oct. 29th, Northstar Link will operate a Friday Only route, Route 887F. It will serve St. Cloud, Becker, Big Lake, Elk River, Anoka, Coon Rapids and Minneapolis. It will only accept cash, no GoTo cards. Here is the schedule: http://catchthelink.com/downloads/FabulousFriday_102910.pdf

EDIT: I went by the Plymouth Road TC today, and the platform has been demolished and replaced with grass. The busway that goes around the platform is still there, and the bus stops have been replaced with 2 regular bus shelters. One is on Plymouth Road, and the other is on the busway, directly adjacent to the one on Plymouth Road. It was still there in June, so it must have been demolished in the past few months.

The General Mills P&R has new bus bay signage, replacing the old 80s/90s signage.

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