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Everything posted by Buslover88

  1. 6819 is back at FG, it's on #77 right now according to BusTracker. EDIT: 6817 is on #77 too. Looks like FG may be getting it's 6800s back. Also, 6812 is on #85.
  2. It does not. It hasn't had those in a long time. The only short-turns we have now are the AM rush hour runs that short-turn at Logan Square after coming from the Nature Museum, PM runs that begin at Logan Square going to the Nature Museum and the late night runs that go to Logan Square after departing from the Neva bus terminal.
  3. That is just awful. CTA really needs to figure out how to get #49 to return back to relatively normal service. This may be able to done either by short turning every other bus or every third bus, or just by having the route temporarily end somewhere between, say, Diversey or Fullerton, and have the #49B extended south to at least Irving Park or Addison until this madness is done. As far as the Lane Tech kids goes, maybe they could have #50 swing over there (though I don't know how much of an inconvenience this would be), or better yet, maybe have #52 terminate there until this is done. Something has to work, though, because #49 is really messed up with all of this.
  4. As far as I know, #49B does have service that runs pretty often, but there is not much of a comparison between that route and #49. I'd like to believe #49 has much more service.
  5. Spotted 1013 heading westbound on #76 Diversey around an hour ago at Diversey and Kilbourn. It still had the "K" sticker in the window while doing run F618. I had to take a double look to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.
  6. The difference of having service on #86 versus those other routes, however, is the fact that it serves a college and there are students who attend Wright that have Saturday classes, as well as employees who have to work on Saturdays. I don't know the exact numbers but a pretty good number of students take classes on Saturdays. That in my opinion should justify to have #86 running. At the very least, service could be every 30 minutes from 7am to 6pm, between Wright and North Ave. Not sure how well #7 and #37 would run on weekends, but in my opinion, I don't think there's enough ridership on #96 to justify weekend service.
  7. Hopefully they add Saturday service to #86 Narrangansett-Ridgeland at some point this year. I think the route could get some ridership between Wright College and North Ave. on Saturdays.
  8. No, 6699 has been at Forest Glen for a while now.
  9. I rode a 4000 on #82 at about 9:00pm on a weekday night not too long ago, so I believe that #82 does at times gets artic coverage. I've seen numerous artics on that route during rush-hour, even if they are school runs.
  10. Hello! I must say that this is a really good app, as others have said, in particular for those of us who are interested in where particular buses are. I'm using it now and it's been interesting in seeing where buses are at this moment. The only thing I was wondering if perhaps when further developing this app, if there's any way we could track particular run numbers that are on the routes? Personally speaking, I have become very interested lately in seeing what run numbers are on what route. Other than that, this is good and it's been useful so far in tracking buses. Good job!
  11. It's a freaking headache over there. Last night around 5pm, the traffic on Western was so backed up that it caused Diversey to be backed up for a few blocks.
  12. Same thing I just said looking at 6665 on #76 via BusTracker. This is weird.
  13. Don't know if anyone else has seen this, but on 6518, the run number is always 2589, no matter which route it's on. I've seen it with this same number the three times I've ridden this bus in the last few weeks or so.
  14. I'm not sure if this has been asked already in another topic or not, but is there any way customers can contact a particular garage (e.g. Forest Glen) and be able to speak to the garage management? I'm asking because I want to speak with someone from Forest Glen's management regarding service on #76 and on #86. Both of these routes have runs that are frequently more than five minutes late and I think the problem goes beyond contacting CTA via email and complaining about a particular run. I want to speak to someone who deals directly with bus management. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  15. From what I've noticed in riding #86 on a near daily basis, most of the crowding occurs between 6:45am and around 8:20am as well as between 1:30pm and 5pm. There are certain runs outside of these times that do get quite filled, especially with a considerable number of classes that have 9:30am, 11:00am and 12:30pm start times, but the early morning and mid-afternoon runs see the most crowding. The crowding does die down during the months of June and July in substantial numbers as there are not too many students taking summer classes at Wright. At some point, I need to take a picture some how, some way to show how bad the overcrowding is. I do think that CTA needs to start counting the passengers via the passenger counts and not relying on the fare readers, because as we all know, those do not work all of the time.
  16. Hey everyone, sorry for my very late reply to this topic about the #86 Narragansett-Ridgeland route and the congested service it has going to/from Wright College at certain times. Jajuan, I highly agree with the points you made. I do think that perhaps Chicago Garage could add a few trips to #86 during those rush periods, especially in the morning hours. I did some observation of #86 this past week and discovered that the morning trips going to Wright are far worse than the afternoon trips. This past Monday, even with the buses being on 8 to 10 minute headways (this was around 7:30 in the morning), I observed two buses in a row filled to capacity all the way to the front door of both buses, and there were probably about 7 or 8 people at the stop who could not get on either bus. This was at Diversey, which is still a bit of a distance from Wright. If CTA can't have additional buses put on the route during the peak times, then I think they should at least have a couple of artics put on the route somehow. I agree with BusHunter's point, too, about maybe having service south of Wright be every 15 minutes instead of the 30 minutes it is now after 7pm and with adding a few extra buses to #78.
  17. I too saw a 7900 in person for the first time today. 7937 on #2. You're right, those buses look good!
  18. 6596 was indeed a loan because I rode it tonight on #86 Narragansett-Ridgeland and it had an FG run number.
  19. We've got 1721 on #74 Fullerton heading westbound at this moment, passing Ashland, according to BusTracker. Could this just be a loaner?
  20. I know this has been already been said, but 6532 is at FG (for now at least). Rode it on #76 Diversey yesterday. It still had the C sticker in the window but had an FG run number.
  21. Yep, it was on #79 79th last night according to BusTracker.
  22. I haven't been on here in a while so I wasn't aware these buses were already reported being in service. My apologies.
  23. You also have 7917 operating on #53A South Pulaski.
  24. 7909 is operating on #1 Indiana-Bronzeville at this moment. Although it's not showing up on the BusTracker map, if you click one of northbound bus stops near 35th St., you'll see a time arrival with 7909 on it.
  25. They should definitely consider that an option, and also with #86 Narragansett-Ridgeland, with morning trips going from the Ridgeland Green Line to Wright College and vice versa in the afternoon. The 20 minute intervals #86 is doing right now is not sufficient because every run, especially after about 1:00pm, gets filled to capacity, with some students (such as myself) having to wait 40 minutes for another bus since the last bus could not fit additional passengers. CTA should also consider the option of possibly having NP do a couple of runs with their artics on #86 during the periods where most students are going to and from the college. But that's just wishful thinking probably. And those of you who are talking about the CCC Bus Shuttle, that only runs once an hour, which is not nearly enough service for students to get to the campus, especially during the morning/afternoon crush loads when half of the school (that's probably an exaggeration) is coming to and from the campus. The CCC Bus Shuttle at Wright is also primarily meant for students who are going to/from the Wright College's Humboldt Park Campus.
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