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  1. Back to the issue of fare collection, I rode UPN from Rogers Park to Chicago Passenger Terminal and return today. Southbound I saw no trainmen, nobody asked for tickets; there was a (Metra?) cop aboard the train. At CPT there was nobody requesting, inspecting, or punching tickets. Northbound, there was a trainman at the gate who asked to see my ticket but did not punch it. Upon departure, the conductor announced that, starting October 5, passengers will be required to show a ticket. But nobody aboard the train asked for my ticket.
  2. At the Omnibus Society of America's June 7 meeting, Dennis McClendon will present on bus rapid transit in Lima, Guayaquil, Quito, Bogota, Cartagena, and Medellin, also looking at aerial tramways in La Paz and Medellin. OSA meets at 7PM on the first Friday of each month, in the auditorium of the Anderson Pavillion of Swedish Covenant Hospital, 2751 W. Winona St in Chicago. First-timers and haven't-attended-in-a-long-timers are welcome to attend without charge.
  3. Suburban Connections – a program by veteran Pace/South driver John LeBeau at the Omnibus Society of America’s first meeting of 2018, Friday January 5 at 7PM. We meet at Swedish Covenant Hospital - Anderson Pavilion, 2751 W. Winona Ave. in Chicago. Admission is free.
  4. Folks interested in the Pace express routes might want to attend OSA Friday night. Pace and Tollway staff will be speaking about the Pace routes using the I-90 Flexlane. Meeting information OSA page. No charge to attend.
  5. So says Hank Morris of the Rogers Park Historical Society (see page 9 of this pdf), apparently with simultaneous service initiations on Diversey and Sheridan Rd.
  6. The Omnibus Society of America, meets regularly monthly for bus- related presentations, news and discussion. Meetings are first Friday of most months, 7:00PM in the auditorium at Swedish Covenant Hospital - Anderson Pavilion, 2751 W. Winona Ave. Membership is open to anyone interested in the topic, and you do not need to be a member to attend. Next Friday, August 4, our program will be given by Tom Poliak. His topic hasn't been officially announced, but in the past Tom has presented overviews of dozens of transit systems in small cities that most of us haven't visited. A bit more about Tom is here.
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