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Minneapolis "t" Buses....


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  Tcmetro said:
Hopefully I'll get a camera soon. I need to get some pics before the Northstar coaches are gone this fall. :)


The first item is old, but I decided to post it because it is interesting, the rest are new.

According to this the coach buses for Metro Transit will come this fall, and the routes 10, 17 and 18 will have automated announcements. However these dates are when the Transportation Committee will discuss these items, not when they go into effect (i.e. Northstar won't open on September 28th):


Anoka County will get 8 30' Gillig LF buses in Q4 2010 to replace Blue Birds and ex-Metro Transit Phantoms/LF's that replaced the Blue Birds. These are options on an 8-bus order that will be delivered in May for routes 705, 32, and Saturday service on the 25. There will be 17 options left:


Metro Transit will exercise all 29 options on the D60LFR order to replace the 1998 D60's. It seems that only 29/55 of the 98's will be replaced, but with the 2006-2009 D60LFR's there will be a net gain of artics. Plus more artics will be moved to other routes with the 26 coaches coming this fall: http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/Tr...27_2009_147.pdf

Metro Mobility will get 15 hybrid minibuses and 1 gasoline minibus as a test. These will have Ford chassis and Turtle Top bodies: http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/Tr...27_2009_152.pdf

What type of coaches will Metro transit order? MCI? Vanhool? Prevost? Setra?

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^ I'm pretty sure that they will be MCI's.

I saw the SW Transit Invero yesterday! It was on Rt. 680 on the 394 Express Lanes at the point where they end (around Park Place/Xenia) and merge into the main roadways. It was at 6 pm yesterday. Also it looked like it was bus #601.

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  Tcmetro said:
Northwest Metro Restructuring Phase II will be implemented on May 30th: http://metrotransit.org/NWservice/index.asp

Highlights are route 705 from Louisiana/394-Starlite and 717 Brookdale-Plymouth

All I can tell is that a lot of towns where AWA wrestlers at least used to live are getting restructured bus service, including Mound (home of Greg Gagne), Robbinsdale (home of the late Mr. Perfect, and apparently many others), and Brooklyn Park (home of Gov. Jesse the Body Ventura).
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  Busjack said:
All I can tell is that a lot of towns where AWA wrestlers at least used to live are getting restructured bus service, including Mound (home of Greg Gagne), Robbinsdale (home of the late Mr. Perfect, and apparently many others), and Brooklyn Park (home of Gov. Jesse the Body Ventura).

Coincidence... I think not! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  Tcmetro said:
I saw the SW Transit Invero yesterday! It was on Rt. 680 on the 394 Express Lanes at the point where they end (around Park Place/Xenia) and merge into the main roadways. It was at 6 pm yesterday. Also it looked like it was bus #601.

Nice, i'm hoping to see and possibly ride it myself this summer *fingers crossed* :)

Also have you seen any MT buses with an ad on the side with "PHANTOM" in big letters? I saw a few Orion Vs on Youtube in NYC with that, anyways a Phantom with "PHANTOM" on the side would be a great picture B)

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  Tcmetro said:
If you want a bus shelter :P Maple Grove Transit is selling some old ones:

Well as nice as one of those babies would look with my collection of schedules and transit stuff I just don't think I have the space in my room for it right now :lol:

Also if SW keeps it up all that will remain is a lone cutaway doing a trip every other day from SW station :P

Well I saw 410 on 68M today at IHCC but it left before I could get a picture, I did get some shots of 562 though:



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^^ Nice pics!

I saw that MVTA 4122 was repainted, and 4939 (2009 Gillig LF) was on the 442.

I rode 3825 3826 (Van Hool AG300) :P on the 121 yesterday, those are my favorite buses. :D I saw a sticker on one of the seats in front of the articulated joint that said some stuff and also mentioned 'Harvard'. I wonder if these buses were to go to Harvard originally? :unsure: I also rode 3825 (Gillig Hybrid) which was nothing spectacular, but the entire bus was perimeter seating except for the 5-seat bench at the back. :o

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^I still haven't been on the U Gillig yet, sometime I will though. I'll have to look for the sticker too :huh:

I'm still not sure what the # range is for the new Gilligs, I know 4938-4942 so far, I wonder why they start there instead of just 4901.

^^ I guess these SEPTA buses will be delivered sooner, I saw three more today, one was in a garage so I didn't get a #, I can't remember the other #'s right now but I got pics and will post them eventually once I load them into my computer. Assuming no mishaps of course. Actually I got a lot going on right now with finals and stuff so it might be a little while.

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the south garage seems to be moving their 400 buses to east metro. Ive seen 415 , 416 and 417 which ran out of the south on east metro garage routes. they also are not running their 500 buses as much either. It will be interesting to see what the next shipment of new buses is.

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Here is the new Transportation committiee meeting agenda:

Looks like Lorenz is getting 2 MT buses to replace 2 1984/1985 Phantoms. I guess you can still ride the old Phantoms :P, the 255 is gone starting May 30th (less than 10 riders a day, with 3 round trips - Yikes!!!), Northstar testing starts in June, American Boulevard station construction starts in June, 86 new fareboxes to be purchased (expansion and to replace 1993 models) etc.:http://councilmeetings.metc.state.mn.us/Tr...51109agenda.htm

Plymouth Metrolink is going to change their bus routes in December: http://www2.ci.plymouth.mn.us/pls/cop/docs...SION+4-2-09.HTM

3-car platform extension project begins May 11th at Fort Snelling Station: http://metrotransit.org/serviceInfo/riderA...sp?alert_id=325. Now construction is taking place at 28th Avenue, Bloomington Central and Fort Snelling Stations. Only 7 more stations to extend!

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The way things are I wonder if South isn't making room for artics so some south routes can undergo *gulp* service reductions, aka "Scheduled times adjusted to better meet customer demand."

Well I saw 4121 today, it looks sharp in the new scheme B)

Also saw and rode 4937, saw 4939, and surprisingly saw 9905 coming the other way on 445 when I was on 4942.

MT 877 and 859 are in new livery.

Also lost the pictures of SEPTA buses 8239 and 8241, I put them into my computer, then cleared the memory on my camera since it was getting crowded, then yesterday I was finally getting around to posting them here when my hard drive crashed :lol: So I lost all my pictures and videos, and a bunch of documents (luckily nothing important) oh well :(

On the plus side though since I have Apple Care I got a new hard drive, new housing, and display for my laptop installed today for free.

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Adding 863, 866, 867, 872, 875, 925, 948

MT buses seen in the new paint scheme so far.

  • 707-709,712,713,716,735,737,738,742,749,752
  • 802,823,825-828,831-833,835,840,846,847,852-859,861,863,865,866,867,871,872,
  • 913,925,948,975,979
  • 1042
  • 7101

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The U of M hybrid sucks... It gets SO crowded so quickly. The 100% low floor and 3rd door on the Van Hools adds a ton of standing capacity and greatly reduces stop times. The hybrid is always full, and the seats are very narrow so many people take 2.

I had an interesting sighting at Detroit Diesel a few days ago.. It was a 60ft bus in the LA Metro Rapid red paint scheme... I believe it was possibly a NABI? Anyone else see this?

Also, on I-35 in Northern Iowa on Thursday night, I saw an old-style New Flyer 40ft in an all white paint scheme with amber LED destiation sign. I only saw it for a second, so I couldn't read it. Very odd sight though...

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I saw an MVTA D40LF at ThermoKing yesterday, didn't see the # though since it was in back.

Also saw SEPTA #s 8244 and 8256 at Interstate/DD, I didn't have my camera on me though.

Good grief, those 29 ft. Gilligs are a menace, I was thrown right out of my seat at one of the stops on 539 when someone came running up :lol: I must admit though I really am liking the new MVTA 35 ft. ones, amazing how 6 feet in the wheelbase makes such a difference.

Welcome aboard Bus Driver Dude :)

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