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Favorite Bus(es) still in use today


Which Modern-Day Bus(es) are your favorite???  

4 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • TMC RTS(4400 Series)
    • Orion I Narrow(4915 Series)
    • Flxible Metro(5300 Series)
    • New Flyer DLF(5800 Series)
    • Flxible Metro(6000 Series)
    • NOVABus LFS(6400 Series)
    • NABIBus Articulated(7500 Series)
    • NABIBus CompoBus(7800 Series)

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My Favorite Bus would have to be the TMC RTS. Despite how bad many of them look(and sound, specifically #4484), they are real workhorses. Hot Weather, Cold Weather, Rain, Snow, etc..., these buses do not let you down often. The only time I remember one bus dying was about 2-3 years back(Bus #4713), otherwise they've held up pretty well. The others are as follows....

#2: Flxible Metro(5300 & 6000) Series. Again, another bunch of CTA workhorses. I've never seen one broke down on the side of the street anywhere.

#3: NOVABus LFS(6400) Series. These buses seem promising to be the workhorses after the departure of the Flxibles and TMC's. I've seen some problems with a few on the road, but other than that, ok.

#4 New Flyer DLF(5800) Series. These buses have been problematic for both driver and passenger. The kneel function sometimes craps out and many of them squeal when accelerating or when being turned left or right(my guess is the drive belt or some other belt is wearing out on these vehicles).

#5 NABIBus Articulated(7500) Series. I've ridden them only a handful of times and personally, they seem ok. But due to the problems appearing with supports and axles, these buses don't make the top of my list

#? NABIBus Compobus(7800) Series. It wouldn't be fair to judge this bus as I've never had the chance to ride it.

#? Orion I Narrow(4915) Series. Same as NABIBus Compobus.

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I may be old school, but I really don't care for any of the ones still in service. The low floors offer the following dichotomy:

  • The Novas have good styling but low capacity.
  • The rest have no styling (the Orion Is and VIs being the worst).

Maybe if the next order from New Flyer were Inveros, that would have my vote, but what I read is that they are not price competitive with the traditional D40LFs.

A good looking bus is the Optima Opus in Hammond. That would look neat in the new Pace livery, if Pace ever orders the shorties.

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I really like the way the TMC's look..I always have like the RTS style. I wish that the CTA would have been able to do the RTS from GMC. I think they might have had a slightly better bus. The pick up on these is terrible since they put the air conditioners on them. They do seem to be reliable...right down to the destination sign.

I do like the Flxible Metro 6000 series. They are a little noisy, but they move well, and as modern day buses go, they are somewhat comfortable. At least they have some seating capacity in them, unlike the single row seats on the 5300 series.

What ever happened to seating capacity. It seems as though whenever anything is done these days, seats disappear. First ADA (no way around that), now bikes...now the CTA is thinking about reconfiguring "L" cars so that they have next to no seats as in New York.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a fan of the Orion I's and the 5300's personally. I grew up on those, and fell in love with those buses. The 5800's and 6000's are great pickups during the 1990's, although some do question the stability of the 5800's.

Besides the chassis issues with the 7500's, I personally found no qualms with those, additionally since they are the workhorses of the system (at least throughout the north and south sides (although my girlfriend is very scared to even ride in the back)...I loved the 7300's when they came into the scene in 2000-01, and that the leather seats were a joy.

*sighs* My favorite articulated is the 7100's, since the last time I rode on one (it was in 2002 on the 136), and that I miss them the most, even for the workhorses of the system back in the day.

So in closing: 5300's, 5800's, 4915's, and 7100's (although they're gone).

Edit: that reminds me--we should've gotten the Orion I's instead of the RTS's, watching a Orion on a CTA fleet made me happy and joy, and riding one was even more of a pleasure.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I love to 6000's! They are so Cool because Me, my Mom and my Sister can sit all together and I'm used to them on #56 Milaukee and #82 Kimball, I like 5300 Series, but there too Slow on #76 Diversey and #53 Pulaski. I don't really like the 4400 Series (No offense to SW4400 or 4400's Fans) because I don't really ride them, I ride them on #11 Lincoln and #82 Kimball and are really noisy and they almost Tip over when they turn. I like the 5800 Series because there Nice and Smooth and they are Low Floor but there a little Noisy. I don't really like the 6400 Series because they only have 37 (or 39) Seats and they are too noisy and they look like Spaceships.  I hate the 7500 Series  because they have Cracks in the back and when the Front of the Bus  turns, the back stays on the other Street. The 4915 Series I cannot jugde and the 7800 Series, same thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My fave, by far, are the TMCs. I remember when they used to handle the load for the 147, it was nice to be able to hear that motor sing.

A close second are the 5300 Flxs. Those remind me of the old Flx Grummans I used to ride when I was a kid going to school in Santa Clara County. Now that agency is mostly a Gillig shop, which is OK but I much prefer high-floor Phantoms to low-floor Advantages.

An even closer third are the 7300 MAN Articulateds. I know that they don't have lifts and that CTA needs to comply with ADA restrictions, but they could have kept those buses out on the streets a little longer until they fixed the problems with the NABIs. Which, BTW you guys got hosed on with this being NABI's first large articulated order. I like NABI's 416 and their 40-foot low floor bus, but these 60-LFWs are absolutely abominable. CTA should have gone with the 436s - high floor artics, but tried and true, proven, no big issues with joints and stuff like that. Leave it to them to go with the bottom of the barrel, though.

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An even closer third are the 7300 MAN Articulateds.  I know that they don't have lifts and that CTA needs to comply with ADA restrictions, but they could have kept those buses out on the streets a little longer until they fixed the problems with the NABIs.

They did have lifts, although some didn't work too well. Also, they were pretty shot when taken out of service, with several having had engine fires, but later series have not been immune from them, either.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for bringing up a old topic.

#1 Orion I's I love there speed and how comfortable they are(since CTA kept PACE's oringinal seats)

#2 NABI artic's despite the defects. They have good pick up, and speed. But lack comfort due to hard seats and bumps.

#3 6000's and 5300 they are fine to me, only have a problem with the 5300 speed.

#4 Nova's they are to small in capicty, and i hate their awkward seating design. They have fairly good speed.

#5 New Flyers 1000 & 5800 Never really liked the 5800 series just seem as though it take abuse and a little wear and tear . And never rode a 1000.

#6 TMC's sorry , but i hate them. Every time i ride it i feel as though im on a death ride around the city.

NABIcompobus is retired and i never rode it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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