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Pace Roster


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12 minutes ago, Erin Mishkin Jr. said:

30 ft bus roster


  1. Are you going by tracker (often not reliable), official roster, or personal observation?
  2. Understandably, except for Niles, Heritage, NW, and SW, the other carriers are running mostly transferred equipment. For instance, Pace originally said that the 2022 order was for River and Batavia, and while the 2700s on the 711/715 contract were pretty beat up, the 22300s went to H, and MV got other contractors' and Heritage buses.
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12 hours ago, Busjack said:
  1. Are you going by tracker (often not reliable), official roster, or personal observation?
  2. Understandably, except for Niles, Heritage, NW, and SW, the other carriers are running mostly transferred equipment. For instance, Pace originally said that the 2022 order was for River and Batavia, and while the 2700s on the 711/715 contract were pretty beat up, the 22300s went to H, and MV got other contractors' and Heritage buses.

1. Im using maths, tracker seems to be 90% reliable but there’s cases when it doesn’t work and there’s maybe more buses in service. This is in general how much could be active but there can be ones around that don’t track.

2. True

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23 hours ago, Busjack said:

The 2025 Budget has the official count:



I'm not sure about this, but is Pace replacing the 2013 MCI buses with new ones?  If so,, this doesn't make sense to me.  OTR coaches are built to last at least 20 years.  Greyhound is still running models as old as 2005 - 2010, and those buses take way more abuse than the Pace MCI buses.  Pace will hang onto transit buses for 18 years but retire 12 year old motorcoaches?  

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1 hour ago, busfan2847 said:

It is a Coach & Equipment Manufacturing chassis with Phoenix body (22000 and 23000) - one of the paratransit vehicles, which are used on regular services such as the 811 Rosemont Circulator. The length of 28' gives it away.

As indicated by the paratransit roster:


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7 hours ago, Erin Mishkin Jr. said:

6360 is back in service at west, I’ll take a ride on that later to see if it’s Still in the heritage wrap

So they took off the wrap and the lines that the wrap her are still visible.

they already gave this bus a bunch of upgrades, including the new dark blue seat covers, a new farebox, a new rear door interlock system to replace the big green light, and they even gave this bus a sound upgrade, it sounds just like a trolley Eldorado a little bit now (6335 also sounds like the Schaumburg trolley buses)

They didn’t replace the next stop display though but this bus is in great shape and I was more than happy to ride it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/8/2024 at 9:58 AM, Erin Mishkin Jr. said:

2660 was out as a training bus around 9:00 am this morning practicing the northbound 834 route presumably, I saw it on Briarcliff turning left onto Route 53. Is 2660 assigned to Heritage, or is this just a training bus?

I do not think that it has been in passenger service since the Naperville commuter services were suspended in May 2020.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 2/6/2025 at 6:40 AM, Erin Mishkin Jr. said:

This is interesting....2611 is back in service out of MV Batavia on the 715. I thought that was long gone.

2745 hasn't been active since January 23 so I'm guessing that bus may have bit the dust and 2611 is replacing it.  I haven't seen it yet, but will watch for it to see it's condition as I'm surprised it's back too.

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6 hours ago, rotjohns said:

2745 hasn't been active since January 23 so I'm guessing that bus may have bit the dust and 2611 is replacing it.  I haven't seen it yet, but will watch for it to see it's condition as I'm surprised it's back too.

2627 appears to be gone too as of December 12th and 2729 does appear to be its replacement

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Here's the active roster for the 2600s-2831

Niles: 2601, 2641, 2642, 2644, 2646, 2647, 2648, 2649, 2685.

MV Batavia: 2611, 2670, 2697, 2698, 2740, 2744, 2747, 2750.

River: 2651*, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2696, 2702,  2710, 2714, 2723, 2725, 2739.

Highland Park: 2661, 2662, 2668, 2681, 2830.

Aurora (FV): 2675, 2676, 2677, 2700, 2701, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2729, 2766, 2826, 2827, 2829

Joliet (Heritage): 2762, 2764.

Southwest: 2754, 2756, 2785, 2787, 2791, 2815, 2816, 2818, 2819, 2821, 2823, 2825.

Northwest: 2769, 2770, 2772, 2774, 2775, 2776, 2777, 2779, 2783, 2784, 2797.

*= this number showed up on the tracker in November as 2659, the number 2659 has reappeared on the tracker but went OOS in January, I'll need to take a trip to Elgin next week to see if 2651 tracks as 2651.

OOS in January: 2640, 2652, 2659, 2674, 2716, 2745, 2751, 2761, 2771, 2831.

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