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Rode 6236 briefly earlier, saw it also has a Ventra device on the yellow handrails near the farebox. Wasn't able to get a picture of the Ventra device, but did get a pic of the outside of the bus.

Was also on 6608, noticed that the red sign notifying passengers of security devices on board mentioned both audio and video recording, which "May" be in use.

Most other buses I've seen only mention video and on the 6600s, it is "Continuous".

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Was also on 6608, noticed that the red sign notifying passengers of security devices on board mentioned both audio and video recording, which "May" be in use.

Most other buses I've seen only mention video and on the 6600s, it is "Continuous".

You never know (maybe you do) whether the sign means what it says or is merely a deterrent.

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Driving in this morning, I saw #2650 operating one of the Downers Grove shuttles and that bus hadn't been over here before.

Apparently excess from Highland Park. HP should have sent 2 buses back when it got the 2 hybrids.

On the other hand, 2601 at least had been in Niles for quite a while (although Webwatch is now showing only 2640s).

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You never know (maybe you do) whether the sign means what it says or is merely a deterrent.

I'm thinking they may just be generic sticker signs, and they just went with whatever was the cheapest at the time, even if they aren't 100% accurate. On a 6600 series yesterday, saw a third variation of the video recording warning sign.

More to the point, WebWatch shows another 6200 this morning: 6228. On the 565 Grand route.

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I'm thinking they may just be generic sticker signs, and they just went with whatever was the cheapest at the time, even if they aren't 100% accurate. On a 6600 series yesterday, saw a third variation of the video recording warning sign.


It might also be a function of different divisions needing stronger threats, and now North gets a variety of "preused" buses.

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From what I understand, some of the buses are from North Shore Division, which, one might guess, would not need stronger "threats" than Waukegan would.

Saw bus 6616 earlier. That's new too.

The eight cameras may have come in handy. Some dummy tried to pay with a hotlisted circuitbreaker card. Face was scratched out. I was right behind him, and I was last to get aboard. Usually stolen or "street sale" cards will have faces obscured. The crook claimed he "lost" it, that the garage even charged him five dollars to give it back. Bull. The thug tried to threaten the driver, coerce the driver into handing him five bucks. Eventually, after some "convincing" from certain "others" nearby, he settled down, and shut up the rest of the trip after paying using a different circuitbreaker card that worked.

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From what I understand, some of the buses are from North Shore Division, which, one might guess, would not need stronger "threats" than Waukegan would.

Saw bus 6616 earlier. That's new too.

If from NS, only a short time there. These started in Aurora,* then cycled through Academy or Westmont, then went a couple of more places then getting to North.

I thought 6616 was last at NS, which it was.

And, of course, we don't know when and where the cameras, or maybe more importantly, the stickers were installed.


*Shouldn't the stickers be in Spanish, given either Aurora or Waukegan?

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Interesting, as at least one of the 6200s we have, was also from North Shore. I spoke to the driver who brought it up here. Our General Manager is also from there. So were a couple Orions we got a few years ago. Why not call North Division "North Shore II"? Or just merge 'em maybe...

All those security warning stickers, regardless of unit, are English only When the DriveCams were installed, the 2400s got them, and all mention video taping, but not with the word "Continuous", for obvious reasons.

Rarely ventured to other divisions, except in 2005 when I rode the 272, but even then, it was always on a North bus.

Either way, it's just a sticker.

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Interesting, as at least one of the 6200s we have, was also from North Shore. I spoke to the driver who brought it up here. Our General Manager is also from there. So were a couple Orions we got a few years ago. Why not call North Division "North Shore II"? Or just merge 'em maybe...

Not according to Webwatch. Basically, the only 6200s (white) at NS were 6238-6240, 6251, 6253, 6255-6161. Those 6251 and over were trades at one time or the other from Joliet. Add blue 6262-6267 and 6322. As far as I can tell, based on personal observation or Webwatch, they are still there. As I mentioned about a week ago, add 6231, 6233-6235.

And the couple of Orions (2354 and 2368) were from NW, when that garage cleared out the Orion Is when it got 2767-2792.

Rarely ventured to other divisions, except in 2005 when I rode the 272, but even then, it was always on a North bus.

During the week it is half N and half NW, and on Saturday all NW (interlined with 270). Always was.

As far as merging garages, most of what NS operates is south of Lake Cook Road. The only possible overlap would be 213 into Highland Park and 576 (note that the number indicates that it once was N) to the Deerfield Metra.

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6224 on 561. If I were Karnak, I would say that the lowest 6200s at West are going to North. Not sure where the current cutoff between S and W is (I think that the last S bus in sequence is 6221 after a few prior shifts).


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6224 on 561. If I were Karnak, I would say that the lowest 6200s at West are going to North. Not sure where the current cutoff between S and W is (I think that the last S bus in sequence is 6221 after a few prior shifts).


I think you are correct because couple weeks ago I saw #6221 on 352 at Harvey and I've been #6222 plenty times last year on West routes.

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Not according to Webwatch. Basically, the only 6200s (white) at NS were 6238-6240, 6251, 6253, 6255-6161. Those 6251 and over were trades at one time or the other from Joliet. Add blue 6262-6267 and 6322. As far as I can tell, based on personal observation or Webwatch, they are still there. As I mentioned about a week ago, add 6231, 6233-6235.

I assume the driver I talked to meant the 6200 he was driving at that time, but maybe not. At the same time North got some 6600s that according to roster info found on this forum, were indeed from NS.

And the couple of Orions (2354 and 2368) were from NW, when that garage cleared out the Orion Is when it got 2767-2792.

That is what I thought, though at the time of posting, I'd forgotten that it was 2314 (I believe) that came from NS?

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That is what I thought, though at the time of posting, I'd forgotten that it was 2314 (I believe) that came from NS?

No, The only 2300s NS originally had were 2340-2349. Eventually it picked up 2350 from NW, and some scattered units from N (such as 2330, 2339) when N got the 2423s. So, in fact it went the other way.

... So far as I am concerned after today, NS can have him and their 10 year old scrap metal back.

The only scrap metal NS has is 20 years old. Subject to some swaps with S, the 1999 NABIs that N has were always at North. Maybe you are joining pace2322 and making a reference to a 9 year old bus that apparently started its life in Aurora and has been a gypsy since then. Anyway, you or somebody has the 6600s at least through 2015. I guess not Academy, though.

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The 6600s and 6200s are the scrap metal I am referring to.

Regardless of where they come from, the only place they belong is either South Holland, or in Lake Michigan.

Was on 6224 earlier. Came darned near slipping and falling. Floor was soaking wet with puddles of water (The 2400s and 2300s used grooved linoleum, the 62s and 66s use a safety tread coating, which was not too effective on that unit), and if it weren't for the handrails, would have fell to the floor twice. Wrenched my back real bad, had to take two sets of my pain meds.

The 23s and 24s were much smoother runners than the 62 and 66s could ever be, regardless of retarder settings.

Needless to say, I REALLY don't like the 62s or 66s.

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The 6600s and 6200s are the scrap metal I am referring to.

Regardless of where they come from, the only place they belong is either South Holland, or in Lake Michigan.


I can't comment on your personal situation. However, as regards NS, that garage has the same buses, other than the approximately 12 2600s, which is down about 8 due to 6600s coming in and the 8 shipping out, mostly to Naperville and a couple to Highland Park.

S isn't going to be much different until the CNGs come.

Bolstering my observations, 6226 is now on 569, presumably a school run. If nothing else, it appears that N will be getting more 40 footers from W than we originally thought.


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I think you are correct because couple weeks ago I saw #6221 on 352 at Harvey and I've been #6222 plenty times last year on West routes.

Anyway, 6220 and 6223 are added to N today. The above would put doubt as to the origin of 6220.

post-14-0-93711700-1359582007_thumb.jpg post-14-0-45987200-1359582019_thumb.jpg

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Had dinner at one of the drivers houses this evening. He told me that some of the buses we've been getting recently, can't get logged on with the IBS. He told me they give the error of "Fleet range exceeded". Sounds like they're being pressed into service rather quickly, at a guess.

Is it just my pain meds, or did the forum get a makeover today?

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Is it just my pain meds, or did the forum get a makeover today?

Actually yesterday.

And the picture looks just like me. :rolleyes:

On the main point, I guess that's another reason why they wouldn't be on WebWatch, although I haven't seen that many ghosts at North.

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And my pic looks a bit like me too. Yes, I am a Smurf. And built of steel. By EMD. :lol:

I wonder if it is possible to use any data cards or chip from the 2400s in the 6600s or 6200s. I doubt that nothing is saved on the bus itself. If it pulls everything off a remote server, then unit number in theory would not matter. Of course, being in the IT field, they may have the system designed so that a hijacker or unauthorized joyrider couldn't take a bus from one garage and sneak it into another.

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I wonder if it is possible to use any data cards or chip from the 2400s in the 6600s or 6200s. I doubt that nothing is saved on the bus itself. If it pulls everything off a remote server, then unit number in theory would not matter. Of course, being in the IT field, they may have the system designed so that a hijacker or unauthorized joyrider couldn't take a bus from one garage and sneak it into another.

Reportedly, the fare boxes and Transitmasters get swapped [update: presumably from inventory taken from decommissioned buses to new buses]. There hasn't been a new fare box for about 30 years (Cubic is supposed to change that), and most specs call for providing a place to plug in the IBS, but not the IBS itself.

The rest of the bus is sold as intact as it is, so if you wanted any parts, you would have to go to Adelman's on 106th.

And, as far as hijackers, obviously CTA hasn't prevented them so far, although BusHunter says that CTA is retrofitting its buses with some sort of system.

The only thing unique about Pace is that it has been said here in many places (most recently with the posting of the 10 year old destination sign codes) that the programming is per garage, and a transferred bus has to be reprogrammed.

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Interestingly, the fareboxes on the 2400s seem to have had some work recently. The Genfare logo is replaced by something else, and the sheet metal panel that the logo is on appears to be new. Don't know anything about it yet, though.

And to add to the red warning sign thing, I was on a 6600 series the other day, one of the units North has had for a while. For a long time, the 2400s simply stated that "Video taping is conducted on this vehicle", these were stuck up there when North got the first DriveCams. Then when the 6600s started "invading", the sign was the same, except the video taping was "Continuous", which it would be with the security cameras.

The 6600 I was on had the 2400 style sticker, that omits the word "Continuous". This was changed at some point it looks like, as the stickers seem fresh and new.

So BusJack is probably right about wording not amounting to much.

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6237 supposedly at North today. Anyone seen it?


Apparently, it is 6236, as evidenced by WebBotch.

Now it turns up on WebWatch, along with 6236. 6230 new, too.

post-14-0-70870800-1359986910_thumb.jpg post-14-0-00320600-1359986930_thumb.jpg post-14-0-98423300-1359986960_thumb.jpg

Although anything can happen, with the rest accounted for through 6240, my guess is that is about enough for 40 footers.

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