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And the next garage to get New Flyers is...


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Yesterday, I've spotted #6871 on Cottage Grove northbound at 51st working Route 4, while I was enjoying riding my TMC #4659 on Route 15.

It seems CTA is playing musical buses again. Since 1731 plus buses are rolling in 74th, what is going 2 happen to the 6000s, since 74th was just recently a all 6000s garage? Are they going to ship some to FG, who seems to be transferring 6800s to 77th? Hey, I thought 77th was suppose to transfer their Novas to FG so FG was to be an all Nova Garage, just like Archer (not incl the little special 500s).

Sorry if this makes ur head dizzy cuz it sure made me a lil woozy. LOL!!!

So with the remaining 300 buses arriving to 74th and FG will be the last, I guess that will clear all the 5300s and 4400s from 103rd, 77th and NP. But wait... those NF 600s will be coming in in Aug. With that addition to NABI, CTA will have 376 artics (226 NABI and 150 NF). I heard CTA got a grant to purchase 13 more artics. Could someone verify that?

Will they be distributed to the Big 4 as in 94 between 103rd, NP, K and 77th, or will they add another garage to the mix that have heavy downtown ridership and other local routes? Check out C (19, 20 X20, 53, 54, X54, 57, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76 and some of the 120, 121 and 122)

I wonder if Ashland 9/X9 and Western 49/X49 will have some artics and provide Sat-Sun on the X routes?

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I heard CTA got a grant to purchase 13 more artics. Could someone verify that?
The Durbin Press Release, mentioned in this post, said that. Now, whether Durbin is saying that gets us to 163, one has to decide.

As far as the DE60LFs, it was previously documented that some are going on the BRT routes. See the BRT thread, starting at this post.

As far as the rest, one can assume that transferring buses will be the norm for the foreseeable future, and there are still about 500 buses to be replaced (300 directly by D40LFs, and 200 by 150 DE60LFs), plus approximately 60-100 no longer being needed based on 3 track ending and the need for fewer spares if the oldies are gone. Based on that, make any speculation you want. The rules have already changed several times this year. Also, it was implied not to expect that each garage's allotment of NFs will be about 100 in the future.

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One more thing, the artics that are coming have nothing to do with providing extra service outright beyond that which already exists. BRT is meant to be more an enhancement in existing service, not necessarily an expansion. There's no evidence that's been provided to show that expanding X9 or X49 to weekend operation can be justified. The weekend passenger numbers just aren't there for it especially for Sundays/holidays.

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It's safe to assume more than that. There were quite a few NF's on 74th routes yesterday. #1741 and #1735 were on the #44, with the freshly rehabbed #6057 between them. #1733 was on the #52A also #1740 and #1739 were on the X55. There was also a NF on the #48 but I couldn't get the number. I was sort of shocked I'd see so many this early. I guess 74th really likes the new equipment and is putting as many miles as they can on them. :)

Yesterday morning I saw 1741 and 1731 on the 44. Today no New Flyers :( I guess they're spreading the love around to all routes. More new buses can't come soon enough. I was on a 44 yesterday with broken air conditiong.

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Yesterday morning I saw 1741 and 1731 on the 44. Today no New Flyers :( I guess they're spreading the love around to all routes. More new buses can't come soon enough. I was on a 44 yesterday with broken air conditiong.

There were 3 on the #9 Ashland yesterday. #1736, #1739 and #1742. All of 74th buses so far don't seem to have the byk rac signs or the advertizements across the top. It's nice to see all the newness, instead of it being covered up by tacky advertizing. Makes for better pictures too.

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There were 3 on the #9 Ashland yesterday. #1736, #1739 and #1742. All of 74th buses so far don't seem to have the byk rac signs or the advertizements across the top. It's nice to see all the newness, instead of it being covered up by tacky advertizing. Makes for better pictures too.

I thought I was the only one who thought those Comcast Sportsnet advertisements on the bike racks were tacky looking and annoying.

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I thought I was the only one who thought those Comcast Sportsnet advertisements on the bike racks were tacky looking and annoying.
They make it impossible to see the fleet number on the front.
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I thought I was the only one who thought those Comcast Sportsnet advertisements on the bike racks were tacky looking and annoying.

Off topic: No your not :) Up here for the longest time it was 92 KQRS. I wonder how much money is even made on those advertisements anyways... I know it is not worth it for smaller transit providers like MVTA.

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They make it impossible to see the fleet number on the front.

Exactly. Defeats the purpose of getting riders to take part in Mystery Shopper program if they can't see the fleet number at the same time that they see the run number.

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If this is true, then why is 103rd recieving 100 more New Flyers? Do they really have that much old buses over there? And which numbers would they get?
No, it about adds up.

They have 100 now.

There are about 50 NABIs.

The biggest collection of junk is there (4400s and 5300s, although others claim to have the exact counts).

The capacity is about 250.


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Oh joy, another even/odd split. Those TMCs and 5300s will really be going to the scrap heap now.

NO!!!! :(

I hate this garage shuffling CTA always does. Why not just send all the TMCs and 5300 Flxs down to 103rd and send the newer 1000 series upto North Park.

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NO!!!! :(

I hate this garage shuffling CTA always does. Why not just send all the TMCs and 5300 Flxs down to 103rd and send the newer 1000 series upto North Park.

Because they're almost 20 years old (17 actually) and are in collectively bad shape. They break down far too frequently and cost a heck of a lot of money to keep running compared to newer or younger buses. Not to mention doing that would be grounds for someone to make a discrimination suit (regardless of who thinks it's justified or not) based on the city's racial and economic demographics. As a semigovernmental entity, CTA is seen to hold to the standard of equitable quality service in all parts of the city not just certain parts because someone wants to keep certain models of buses on the streets indefinitely. The biggest issue though is with the recent major increase in transit funding to CTA, Metra and Pace, CTA is being watched more closely in how it uses the funds it gets from public tax dollars. And sorry to say trying to hold on to 17 year old buses when newer buses that are cheaper to maintain are available is not an efficient use of those funds. Sorry to say but the TMCs and 5300s have run their course and need to be replaced. We already have one garage running all buses that are past their time, we don't need another one.

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NO!!!! :(

I hate this garage shuffling CTA always does. Why not just send all the TMCs and 5300 Flxs down to 103rd and send the newer 1000 series upto North Park.

What difference does that make? All the TMCs will be in the scrapper anyway. Jokingly, I use to call North Park "TMC Country" because they had the most TMCs in the system. 103 & the Park is still in dire need for more NFs and to accellerate the retirement of the TMCs, the Flx-5300s at 103 and the older NF-5800s at NP. Trust me, it's better that they're both getting them at the same time.

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My two .02

While I'm glad 103rd is about to get more NF's to replace the '91 buses, I don't think it shouldn't be 100 NF's. If I were running things, 74th would get NF's up to 1780, with new equipment to come. 103rd would get NF's 1781-1830. 1831-1860 would go to Archer, and in exchange, they would give us about 50 Novas. Of course, the NF 60 footers are coming next month, so 103rd will get some of those to replace any remaining '91 buses, and some of the NABI's. Chicago would get NF's 1861-1890. The NF 60 footers would replace any of their remaining Flxibles. 74th would then get more NF's starting at 1891. Then some of their Flxible '95's could go to 77th and or North Park.

I dunno. But I know this, The Glen don't need new buses right now. And I would love to see Novas at 103rd.

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My two .02's situ

While I'm glad 103rd is about to get more NF's to replace the '91 buses, I don't think it shouldn't be 100 NF's. If I were running things, 74th would get NF's up to 1780, with new equipment to come. 103rd would get NF's 1781-1830. 1831-1860 would go to Archer, and in exchange, they would give us about 50 Novas. Of course, the NF 60 footers are coming next month, so 103rd will get some of those to replace any remaining '91 buses, and some of the NABI's. Chicago would get NF's 1861-1890. The NF 60 footers would replace any of their remaining Flxibles. 74th would then get more NF's starting at 1891. Then some of their Flxible '95's could go to 77th and or North Park.

I dunno. But I know this, The Glen don't need new buses right now. And I would love to see Novas at 103rd.

Chicago doesn't need new buses because with 3Track winding down and it operating over capacity, it can retire what 5300s it has without replacement. It has a little over 220 NFs already.

Archer has no 1991 buses, or 1995 for that matter, so it doesn't need new buses either. It situation is better than the Glen's, so if the Glen doesn't need them Archer doesn't either. That's busfan fantasy. Want NFs at Archer transfer back those that were transferred to Chicago in the first place.

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What difference does that make? All the TMCs will be in the scrapper anyway. Jokingly, I use to call North Park "TMC Country" because they had the most TMCs in the system. 103 & the Park is still in dire need for more NFs and to accellerate the retirement of the TMCs, the Flx-5300s at 103 and the older NF-5800s at NP. Trust me, it's better that they're both getting them at the same time.

Now North Park can be "New Flyer Country". :D ..... or most of the fleet and garages for that matter.

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