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Ouch! Wreck photos!


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Apparently the front end of a New Look wasn't as tough as one thought.

Also, what is the location (in that there is also a South Suburban Safeway bus with an RTA logo in one of the pictures)?

South Shops... That is the fence line along 79th Street. If I recall the story behind that correctly, the front off the Safeway bus was grafted onto a CTA bus that was repaired. I will double check on this and get back if that wasn't the case.

Yea there wasn't much up front there on the New Look to protect you. Basically you were surrounded by tin and glass! Scary to think about!

The 9500 that was signed for Milwaukee was working the 56 and was struck on the drivers side front , which jammed/locked up the steering on the bus and the force of the impact of the car sent the bus on a crash course with a light pole (one of the ex line poles, those don't budge for anything normally). This happened at Milwaukee and Logan Blvd.

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Here's 1081 as a result of the fire at 69th St Garage

Nice photos(not in the sense that I like to see buses like this). Do you happen to have wreck photos of 9845(vs. cement truck?) as well as 6832(the underpass incident)? If you have any TMC, Flxible(5300 and 6000) and any other current stock wrecks as well, please post!

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Nice photos(not in the sense that I like to see buses like this). Do you happen to have wreck photos of 9845(vs. cement truck?) as well as 6832(the underpass incident)? If you have any TMC, Flxible(5300 and 6000) and any other current stock wrecks as well, please post!

Flyer #9844 collided with a cement truck a few years ago on the west side. I think thats the one.

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Here are some good ones. These buses were ready for morning rush! (not!)

So sad to see these photos. These buses are like family because a lot of us grew up with them. They were such hardworking buses. For me, these buses remind me so much of my dad because this is what he drove more often than any other bus model.

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Here's 1081 as a result of the fire at 69th St Garage

I remember the 69th st. Garage fire. About 10 buses were totally destroyed. Does anyone remember the buses that burned aside from #1081?. I think a couple of Flxible New Looks were also involved.

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I remember the 69th st. Garage fire. About 10 buses were totally destroyed. Does anyone remember the buses that burned aside from #1081?. I think a couple of Flxible New Looks were also involved.

I'm not so sure that #1081 was a casualty of the 69th St. fire.

Judging by the debris alongside the bus, it looks as if it had burned right where it was photographed. That scraggly tree in the background looks more like the bus boneyard at the South Shops.

From what I remember of 69th Street, the outside storage area was fully paved and had no trees. So I'm guessing that #1081 may had already been retired before it burned. Maybe it hadn't been defueled yet.

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I'm not so sure that #1081 was a casualty of the 69th St. fire.

Also, I didn't think that it was a 69th bus (since that barn eventually had mostly 9000s), but given the mostly undocumented history of swaps, anything is possible.

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D'oh!!! <_< I'm always messing up the number of this bus!!!

I remember when Flyer #9844 was delivered, it was equipped with a Cummins diesel engine. It sounded like the MCTS #3700 Orions. I had an awesome sound, very deep sound. But later, I would guess when it was rehabbed, it was reequipped with the DD and sounded like their counterparts. It was assigned to FG back around 1985. It had the garage window stickers "F" and "B" of course "B" coming from Beverly. It was my favorite bus at that time. I remember one day when my dad was assigned that bus on the #76 Diversey route. I rode with him the entire second half of the run and then we relieved at Central. I wish small, hand held video cameras had existed in those days. I think I still have the soundbyte on tape, of the bus. I took it as it was passing my house one afternoon.

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  • 7 years later...
2 hours ago, mikeymc77 said:

Found an article dated January 2 1968 about the fire at 69th Street Garage. That would make it impossible for 1081 to have been a casualty. That is, unless there were more than one fire

There was another fire at 69th garage c in the mid to late 80s,   I'm sure someone can get the exact date.   I believe at least 7 buses were destroyed. 

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, XE NewFlyer said:

there was a crash involving a car and a cta bus on route 20 this morning

It was a New Flyer(# not noticeable in the video). The front is bent slightly forward where the windshield meets the headlight assembly area. Possible frame damage??? If so, that bus will most likely be scrapped. I don't think CTA repairs frame-damaged buses.

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3 hours ago, XE NewFlyer said:

there was a crash involving a car and a cta bus on route 20 this morning


1 hour ago, sw4400 said:

It was a New Flyer(# not noticeable in the video). The front is bent slightly forward where the windshield meets the headlight assembly area. Possible frame damage??? If so, that bus will most likely be scrapped. I don't think CTA repairs frame-damaged buses.

Tribune story, 4 in speeding car dead. The pictures there indicate too much crumpled car to indicate if the bus sustained much damage, Unless is is something like a crumpled front platform, it is usually fixable.

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