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old cta photos

cta 5555

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Here are some very old cta photos. Some are taking at the north av barn.

===Great photos! Thanks for posting them.

The shot of #210 (later #9210) looks as if it was captured on the Pershing side of the Archer barn. When they first arrived, the lowest-numbered Brills did operate from Archer on a single route: 51st-55th St.

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Good pics! Where was the CTA and MTA buses side by side taken? Where was the Bus O Rama Flxible assigned? Ive never seen that bus.
Odds are that it is a BlueBird Coach, then based at Lyons. The loop, from the sign on the trolley bus, probably is Cicero and Archer.

BlueBird bus roster

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Odds are that it is a BlueBird Coach, then based at Lyons. The loop, from the sign on the trolley bus, probably is Cicero and Archer.

BlueBird bus roster

Yah, that's one weird looking Flxible! Looks as if it was probably being operated by Bluebird along 47th Street west of Archer, possibly to Harlem, or maybe beyond toward Lyons and La Grange.

However, I'm reasonably sure that that photo was taken on Drake Avenue between 47th and Archer ( just east of the intersection of 47th & Archer). Some of the telltale line poles along that section of Drake are still standing. The west terminal for 47th Street service during the trolley bus era was Archer. They made an easy right turn from 47th into Archer, then turned south on Drake where they normally laid over before heading back east on 47th.

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Nice photos.

Admin, is there any chance of getting a section for these old photos in the "Photos" section of the web site? It would be great to have all of the old bus pictures that pop up in the forum grouped in one spot. Just a thought. This is a great site.

That would be a good idea! To gather all pics downloaded onto this site into a separate page into a pic gallery.

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  1. Drake would make more sense.
  2. Too bad the destination sign on 3501 is too indistinct. I downloaded the picture and tried blowing it up, but that didn't work.
Admin, is there any chance of getting a section for these old photos in the "Photos" section of the web site? It would be great to have all of the old bus pictures that pop up in the forum grouped in one spot. Just a thought. This is a great site.
The question here is ownership of the pictures, and thus copyright issues. That wouldn't be a problem if the contributor took the picture or knew who did, but the one with 8703 sure looks like it was scanned from Krambles's book and would be a no-no (similar to how the Islam bus in the Tribune turned out to be an unlicensed infringement of Kevin's rights) and should not be posted here (at least without attribution) or in the Gallery.

The picture upload page on Wikipedia seems to be an accurate description of copyright law in this regard. See also their Copyrights: Use of copyrighted work from others.

You should note that the pictures in the Gallery are watermarked with the photographer's name, and there is a license associated with them.*

Also, it appears that Kevin has standards on the quality of pictures in the Gallery. Of course, he can speak more authoritatively about that.


*For example, here.

sw's Tribute buses seem to come within that license.

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Kind of hard for me to ask the person permission who took these slides, due to a small issue.... he's dead!
If, say, you inherited it from him and are the owner, then no problem.

On the other hand, there is the issue of copying them from copyrighted sources, like other websites, or the 8703 picture mentioned above (unless your dead relative was the one that furnished it to the Krambles archive while still retaining rights to it).

Obviously, you and 5555 would avoid problems if you had included in your posts that these came from my late ____[relative's] slide collection, sort of like what you see in front of an enthusiast's book.

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A lot of the slides I have bought or are trades with another person that got from another person, and there is no indication on the slide mount of who "originally" took the picture in the first place. I only have been posting them for your viewing enjoyment and its nice they have created some positive discussion on here for a change. I enjoy seeing old Chicago transit photos for one. I am not taking credit as them being my photos. If this is going to be an issue I will cease posting them.

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A lot of the slides I have bought or are trades with another person that got from another person, and there is no indication on the slide mount of who "originally" took the picture in the first place. I only have been posting them for your viewing enjoyment and its nice they have created some positive discussion on here for a change. I enjoy seeing old Chicago transit photos for one. I am not taking credit as them being my photos. If this is going to be an issue I will cease posting them.

Could you calm down a little, please? Personally, I like the pictures and I don't think anyone else has an issue with the pictures besides with #8703. That's fine (at least in my opinion) if you want to put up the pictures, but you should give credit to someone (not saying you have to). I understand with the pictures you put up already because the person is no longer living, but if you do put anymore pictures up and the person is still alive, you should give credit. As for the positive discussion, maybe there would be more of it if people stopped getting so angry so easily and putting rude remarks all the time (not talking about you, T8H). I don't think this should be an issue. I'd like to see many more pictures you've got, but could you, and everyone else with the "issue", please calm down a bit :)?

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Can someone answer my "bat wings" question? Did the CTA have a lot of those???

In "bat wings" are you referring to the Bus-O-Rama? Here's a little history on that. In 1967, two #3500's were fitted with the Bus-O-Rama signs, #3500 and #3501. The experiment concluded in 1969 and they were taken down. So that photograph has to be 1967 -69 vintage. As far as what garage they were at. The #3500's were assigned when received Oct. 1966- Feb. 1967 to two garages: 52nd and Archer. From what I can interpret from reading historical books on the subject, I'd say that's a 52nd street bus. That's a very rare picture I thought I'd never see. Thanks for providing it.

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From what I can interpret from reading historical books on the subject, I'd say that's a 52nd street bus. That's a very rare picture I thought I'd never see. Thanks for providing it.
Having lived in Hyde Park around that time, 52 had only 3600s. I think Bill V. was using the term 3500s generically to refer to a class of buses received about at the same time (after the 3300s but before the 3700s).

Since trainman mentioned 62 Archer Downtown, I blew up the picture again, and think that's possible.

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Having lived in Hyde Park around that time, 52 had only 3600s. I think Bill V. was using the term 3500s generically to refer to a class of buses received about at the same time (after the 3300s but before the 3700s).

Since trainman mentioned 62 Archer Downtown, I blew up the picture again, and think that's possible.

Would a bunch of new houses be behind the station? Probably not at Cicero/Archer, but it could be possible at Neva/Archer. With the placement of the bus and photographer based at the bus shelter you could be right. There also not to many 2 story buildings right next to the terminal either, but Neva/Archer stands out.

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I understand with the pictures you put up already because the person is no longer living, but if you do put anymore pictures up and the person is still alive, you should give credit.

If he knows who to give credit to, fine. I think his quote before photos is good enough... Disclaimer:All Rights Reserved To The Respective Owners, whomever they are; not known at time of posting

I don't think this should be an issue. I'd like to see many more pictures you've got, but could you, and everyone else with the "issue", please calm down a bit :)?

I agree, Buslover88. The quote T8H5307A uses should be good enough. He is giving credit in an open way to the respective owners who he got the photos from. Good enough for me, IMO. Now let's please end this debate!!!

@ T8H5307A, classic Flyer D901A pictures circa 1983-1985!!! Take me back to my childhood!!!

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