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The Breakdown Thread


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A few months ago, 901 and 907 broke down on the 12 Roosevelt on the same day within a couple of hours of each other. 901 had broken down at Kedzie and Roosevelt, while 907 broke down at Racine.
So much for Huberman saying there was only one breakdown. Did these follow that statement, as part of the announcement for the proposed lease in late Nov., 2007?
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So much for Huberman saying there was only one breakdown. Did these follow that statement, as

part of the announcement for the lease in late Nov., 2007?

Actually they did. They were back on March 28th, the Friday of that first week of the spring pick reassignments. It was a surprise to see that that day because they were both the same series hybrid. My immediate thought that day was 20% of the 900s is down with engine problems!

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My immediate thought that day was 20% of the 900s is down with engine problems!

Probably the electronics, since they run on battery power. The engine recharges the batteries only if the brakes can't.

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Actually they did. They were back on March 28th, the Friday of that first week of the spring pick reassignments. It was a surprise to see that that day because they were both the same series hybrid. My immediate thought that day was 20% of the 900s is down with engine problems!

Actually I was on bus #908 last year when it died out on the #124 at Madison/Wabash. The bus was running rough and it just quit. The guy couldn't get it started so we were put on the follower. This was around September 17, 2007 when the #900's were basically new running there first trips. I heard also over the radio that the same bus reported a dead motor the next day so there was something there that was not fixed that day. Also bus #900 was having dead motors that same week. Strangely enough it was pulled from service and brought back in late Dec / Early Jan. The #900's did have a few problems when they first came in, but currently they sound as if the kinks have been worked out except for what was reported here. The #800's on the other hand I've never seen a problem with.

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Actually they did. They were back on March 28th, the Friday of that first week of the spring pick reassignments. It was a surprise to see that that day because they were both the same series hybrid. My immediate thought that day was 20% of the 900s is down with engine problems!

Off toplc: My Curiously, How long are the 800/900s are going to last? As long as 1000s?

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Off toplc: My Curiously, How long are the 800/900s are going to last? As long as 1000s?
We'll get back to you, probably in about 2020 or 2024. I doubt that no one here is a seer, but all have a 12 year FTA minimum life.

For that matter, Frank Kruesi's staff didn't know how long the 5300s would last. :wub:

BTW, see today's Shoe.

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Off toplc: My Curiously, How long are the 800/900s are going to last? As long as 1000s?

My two cents' worth... look at about how long the 5900's lasted. They too, were experimental. About 3 years, if not sooner, IMO based on the length of the 5900's lasted in service(1997-2000).

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My two cents' worth... look at about how long the 5900's lasted. They too, were experimental. About 3 years, if not sooner, IMO based on the length of the 5900's lasted in service(1997-2000).
If that's the precedent, Huberman just made a big mistake leasing 150 more hybrids for $120 million. I don't think that hybrids are that experimental (ask Seattle, New York, or Toronto with respect to buses).
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My two cents' worth... look at about how long the 5900's lasted. They too, were experimental. About 3 years, if not sooner, IMO based on the length of the 5900's lasted in service(1997-2000).

Do all three of the 5900s still exist? I know one if not all of them are down at South Shops. It would be nice if there was a way to resurrect them, give them a second life.

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To throw my 2 cents in on this, I find it odd that all this talk about the hybrids has popped up, since in the past few days I have been wondering where all of these buses have disappeared to. I used to see them on the 124 or 157 all the time. The last hybrid I saw on the street was about a month ago on the 82, and that was 801. Since these buses have all been returned to Kedzie, they seemed to have disappeared, and I was curiously wondering if for all the hoopla about these things that, well, they just arent all that reliable operationally. With more of these types of buses on the way, it makes me wonder if it is really a wise thing to commit so much to this type of equipment. It seems as though every time CTA attempts to venture into the land of experimental type of equipment it is a disaster (as in the 5900 series and alternative fuel type buses).

I will be curious to see if this really works here. Only time will tell.

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To throw my 2 cents in on this, I find it odd that all this talk about the hybrids has popped up, since in the past few days I have been wondering where all of these buses have disappeared to. I used to see them on the 124 or 157 all the time. The last hybrid I saw on the street was about a month ago on the 82, and that was 801. Since these buses have all been returned to Kedzie, they seemed to have disappeared, and I was curiously wondering if for all the hoopla about these things that, well, they just arent all that reliable operationally. With more of these types of buses on the way, it makes me wonder if it is really a wise thing to commit so much to this type of equipment. It seems as though every time CTA attempts to venture into the land of experimental type of equipment it is a disaster (as in the 5900 series and alternative fuel type buses).

I will be curious to see if this really works here. Only time will tell.

They basically popped up mostly on the 127 when it was still around and the 12 these past few months. I still see them mostly on the 12, a few times on the 82, and on the 126. They also seem to pop up more on the 145 and 148 lately given Busjack's post immediately above and other posts from earlier this past week. Outside the blips above, I haven't observed or heard about many problems with them overall. So these just might not turn into the disasters of the past.

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What kind were the 5900's? I looked under Buses but did not see any info.

The 5900s consisted of three experimental hydrogen fuel cell buses built by New Flyer using Ballard technology. The CTA tested the buses from 1997 until 2000 (see press release). There's a photo on Bill Vandervoort's site.

According to the CTA, there are plans to once again test a hydrogen fuel cell bus within the next year.

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The pictures were remote linked, not attached. The links appear to have been removed. I replaced them as attachments.

All three were still on the property as of April 6, in various states of disassembly. I have a feeling they have all been "resurrected" - as parts donors for 5800s.

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  • 1 month later...

1223 apparently broke down this afternoon at State and Lake while in service on the 148 earlier this afternoon. Its icon showed it paused at the Lake St stop for at least 20 min while other buses on that route passed it up. An outside shot through the front window of the Channel 7 newstation showed a brief view of an emergency maintenance van with a crew there to service the bus.

Also earlier Friday morning shortly before 6am, 901 broke down westbound at Western on the 12. That's yet another breakdown of a 900 series in a short period of time. Have to wonder what's going on with this series.

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  • 1 month later...

Today (Thursday) was a bad day for NABI's along La Salle Street. Around 9am, I spotted 7655,

totally shut down getting hooked up for a tow southbound at La Salle and Washington,

and in the distance to the north between Lake and Wacker another NABI on the 156

was pulled over with its back trap open, exposing the engine (a sign it wasn't going


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  • 3 months later...

Yesterday there was a little problem with #6181 on the #152. The front door on the windshield side came off it's track and no longer was able to be used. The other half of the door was working though. At first the guy tried to drive it, but the bus would go out of gear. Finally he pressed on the door from the outside to put it in a closed position this seemed to fix the out of gear problem. He then continued to drive it with only one door operationable. A weird site indeed.

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Yesterday there was a little problem with #6181 on the #152. The front door on the windshield side came off it's track and no longer was able to be used. The other half of the door was working though. At first the guy tried to drive it, but the bus would go out of gear. Finally he pressed on the door from the outside to put it in a closed position this seemed to fix the out of gear problem. He then continued to drive it with only one door operationable. A weird site indeed.
the same thing happened on the X55 at 55th/Ellis.
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1669 was at La Salle/Division around 1145 today, presumably was running the 156 before breakdown since it was facing north on La Salle. Rear engine door was propped open and the driver tried to start it up as I passed but did not succeed. There was nobody onboard, the LED displays were off and there were only a couple people at the bus stop, so it had likely been there for some time before I saw it.

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