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1 hour ago, patman119 said:

And 8244 is as well.

Andre beat me to it, but he's right. Those are Air and Water show extras. It's normal to buses from FG and other garages outside of NP and Kedzie putting buses on 151 during Air and Water show weekend. This time around FG gets to do so with new buses instead of 6400s. Don't be surprised if you even see any of the south side garages having buses out there on 151 later on after the show is over. From past experience with attending the Air and Water show and observing the buses, that route will be swamped in the afternoon. So NP and Kedzie will definitely need the help, both on the downtown to Belmont stretch and NP on the full route. The 22 and 36 also feel it after the show. There aren't any out of place buses on those two right now, but look for that possibility later when buses for all three routes are staged at strategic locations to pick up the huge crowds leaving the show and also in part from CPD implementing temporary street blockages to let all the cars leaving the show from the Lincoln Park Zoo parking lots get out quicker without making too big a traffic jam. Sure you sit waiting 5 to 10 mins for those cars to clear out if you're on a street who's path got blocked, but it's better than the humongous possible traffic jams that could occur if they didn't do that. 

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31 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

The A1 Me message has appeared. I saw this on the #610's when the suburbans debuted and now this is on a CTA bus. What is it?

cta 8228 a1 me.png

a1 me pace.jpg

The buses run on a special additive to the Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel now.... and they know how to ask for it with those messages in the run boxes when they're running low.... :PxD 

A1: It's How Steak Is Done And How Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Buses Run


A1 Steak Sauce.jpg

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6 hours ago, Busjack said:

Trailer for Southside With You  shows some 5000s on the Green Line (at :15). However, somehow I have the feeling that it is not period appropriate. Should have dragged out the 2400s.

Not to mention the fact that it wasn't the "Green Line" back when they met in 1989. It would have been the Englewood-Howard or Jackson Park-Howard and it is likely that the cars would have been 2000's, or 2400's.

Edited by rvwnsd
Incorrect reference to 6000 series cars.
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7 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

Not to mention the fact that it wasn't the "Green Line" back when they met in 1989. It would have been the Englewood-Howard or Jackson Park-Howard and it is likely that the cars would have been 2000's, or 2400's.

Correct. It might have had a green Jackson Park-Howard B sign, which is why I didn't flag it. However, this one clearly had a digital sign.

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10 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

Not to mention the fact that it wasn't the "Green Line" back when they met in 1989. It would have been the Englewood-Howard or Jackson Park-Howard and it is likely that the cars would have been 2000's, or 2400's.


2 hours ago, Busjack said:

Correct. It might have had a green Jackson Park-Howard B sign, which is why I didn't flag it. However, this one clearly had a digital sign.

But I think they can get away with that one small detail since CTA no longer has any 2000s and no 2400s outside of the work cars which CTA possibly had tied up elsewhere. Those moviegoers who know enough about Chicago transit to catch such details like we do tend to know and understand that on the rail side you're not going to get period accuracy for movies set in 1980s since CTA no longer has many cars of their original colors to fit that timeframe. It's usually enough to get autos and show a generic fishbowl bus to establish vehicular period accuracy. At any rate, most other moviegoers wont's care about the L trains as much as John Legend's story accurately portraying how in that first date Barack Obama impressed his future wife with that same wit, charm and intelligence that impressed enough Americans in two election cycles 20 and 24 years later to earn him the American Presidency, giving them and their children their current status in history as the first African American family designated as the First Family. 

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I've been meaning to mention that new CTA system maps dated June 2016 became available at rail stations this month with the highlights being the latest expanded hours on the 18 as of spring pick, the expanded hours on the 26 as of summer pick, and the extension of the 11 as of summer pick. Just in time for the fall pick and those upcoming changes to CTA service.xD What tipped me off that the maps were early issues is the fact that the maps in the bus stop shelters and on the rail platforms are still the ones from February.

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18 minutes ago, jajuan said:

no 2400s outside of the work cars

You forgot the Heritage Train.

However, I'm pretty sure someone just took a picture somewhere around 53rd (or 49th or 57th) and Prairie and just caught whatever went by. If the Robinsons lived in a bungalow, (sources say in South Shore), she was nowhere near the L.

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1 hour ago, Busjack said:

You forgot the Heritage Train.

However, I'm pretty sure someone just took a picture somewhere around 53rd (or 49th or 57th) and Prairie and just caught whatever went by. If the Robinsons lived in a bungalow, (sources say in South Shore), she was nowhere near the L.

Yeah that's true. The first lady's family would have been closer to what were then the 6 Jeffery Express and 14 South Lake Shore Express bus routes as far as transit that reaches downtown goes. The closest the L would have been to them would have been the terminal station of the Jackson Park/Howard trains. That would have been University, no?

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23 minutes ago, jajuan said:

That would have been University, no?

According to chicago-l.org until 1994. Also says that Dorchester closed in 1973, and Jackson Pk. in 1982.

I was thinking more of a line that then ran gallery cars. She had to cross it to go to Rainbow Beach.

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7 minutes ago, Busjack said:

According to chicago-l.org until 1994. Also says that Dorchester closed in 1973, and Jackson Pk. in 1982.

I was thinking more of a line that then ran gallery cars. She had to cross it to go to Rainbow Beach.

Ah the Metra Electric South Chicago trains. She probably would have been closer to that too than she would have the L.

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12 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

A 2600 with a Jackson Pk-Howard roll sign would have been close enough.However, to everyone's point, her family's home would not have been in close proximity to the "L." As Busjack pointed out, most moviegoers will not notice the difference. 

Actually that was me pointing out most moviegoers not knowing the difference.:) Plus it's also doubtful many would know about what Busjack first pointed out about her family's home not being anywhere close to the L. But it's all probably just typical movie producer standard practice of taking poetic license with and fictionalizing minor details in what's overall a true story. I'm sure similar things were done in the biographical movie from some years ago about the elder Isaiah Thomas (there's a younger active player of the same name but no relation who currently plays for the Celtics) in that movie's scenes that portrayed Thomas's childhood and teen years growing up in the North Lawndale neighborhood in west side Chicago. 

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36 minutes ago, jajuan said:

I'm sure similar things were done in the biographical movie from some years ago about the elder Isaiah Thomas (there's a younger active player of the same name but no relation who currently plays for the Celtics) in that movie's scenes that portrayed Thomas's childhood and teen years growing up in the North Lawndale neighborhood in west side Chicago. 

I wonder if some day there will be a D. Rose movie about how he grew up near the 74th Garage?

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4 minutes ago, Busjack said:

I wonder if some day there will be a D. Rose movie about how he grew up near the 74th Garage?

Good question, I wonder how far into the future we'd have to wait if somebody does do one. I also realize I misspelled the elder Thomas's name. His name is spelled Isiah Thomas while the younger one I mentioned to differentiate who I was speaking of is Isaiah Thomas. The younger one Isaiah is reportedly named after the elder after Isaiah's father made a bet over who would win NBA championship back in 1989, the Lakers or the Pistons. The Pistons won it of course in a four game sweep, so dad would have lost that bet since he bet that it would be the Lakers. Isaiah though was born a couple months before the Finals but his father ended up liking the name anyway and named him that before the bet would have gone into play. His mom insisted on changing it to the "Isaiah" spelling because she wanted a biblical name. 

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I thought I'd mention that I havent seen the operator that does what he feels like lately. (Locked topic under cta bus) I checked the weekend bummer on #152 but he wasnt on it. Maybe he got sent back to the minor league for retraining. Haven't seen him since that night. 

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24 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

Maybe he got sent back to the minor league for retraining.

Which is the Rockford Mass Transit District Ice Hogs? Or the South Bend Transpo Cubs?

[Man, I'm sure getting silly lately.]

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1 minute ago, BusHunter said:

They were playing stuff like at Orchestra Hall. Surprising. I probably should have took their picture cause you don't see that on CTA

Then you should have put a buck in the bucket.

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On 8/26/2016 at 4:49 PM, BusHunter said:

Some violinists are currently at jeff pk. I looked in their bucket it was all bills. 


On 8/26/2016 at 9:18 PM, Busjack said:

Classier than usual.


On 8/26/2016 at 9:21 PM, BusHunter said:

They were playing stuff like at Orchestra Hall. Surprising. I probably should have took their picture cause you don't see that on CTA

Well, it is Jefferson Park, after all. :)

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