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What's left for #4400's TMC's


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I hope people are recording sounds and taking pics of these RTSes before they go away.

I saw a TMC with a Jimmy John Sandwich Shop full body wrap back in late June running the 151 route (didn't get the number because it was dark and the streets were busy at the Taste of Chicago). I wonder if that TMC is still around or gone. :(

I never saw that one with Jimmy John Sandwich Shop since August when I rode that one on #97 Skokie to Old Orchard Mall and back to Howard.

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I never saw that one with Jimmy John Sandwich Shop since August when I rode that one on #97 Skokie to Old Orchard Mall and back to Howard.

I think that was #4582 last known to exist at 77th. With the recent push of TMC's to 77th from NP though I think it's been retired.

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In september's update we see quite a few TMC's retired. There are now only 101 left. Let's start with North Park. North Park has 19 left they are #4506, #4507, #4516, #4525, #4533, #4535, #4541, #4543, #4548, #4556, #4557, #4559, #4565, #4586, #4589, #4591, #4592, #4601 and #4603. Retired are #4405, #4457, #4505, #4511, #4517, #4521, #4522, #4536, #4561 - #4563, #4594 and #4596. 77th garage has 23 left they are #4471, #4478, #4534, #4550 - #4552, #4554, #4579, #4582, #4605, #4613, #4618, #4656, #4678, #4758, #4762, #4789, #4793, #4795, #4804, #4809, #4816 and #4828. Retired are #4553, #4616, #4631, #4637, #4677, #4680, #4681, #4764, #4765, #4771, #4780, #4785, #4797, #4798, #4803, #4808, #4811, #4813, #4821, #4822 and #4829. At 103rd garage I have 60 left they are #4404, #4413, #4415, #4419, #4445, #4451, #4459, #4485, #4519, #4558, #4600, #4607, #4609, #4617, #4634, #4638, #4645, #4648, #4655 #4658, #4659, #4662, #4665, #4667, #4687, #4698, #4705, #4709 - #4711, #4716, #4721, #4728, #4729, #4732, #4735, #4738, #4739, #4745 - #4749, #4752, #4754, #4759, #4761, #4774, #4831, #4836, #4840, #4845, #4850, #4852, #4860 - #4862, #4865 and #4867. Retired are #4433, #4442, #4619, #4623, #4625, #4627, #4628, #4633, #4639, #4641, #4650, #4651, #4653, #4654, #4657, #4661, #4666, #4671, #4673, #4688, #4691, #4696, #4697, #4701, #4702, #4707, #4715, #4719, #4760, #4763, #4838, #4844, #4846, #4853, #4871 and #4872. All September lists reflect New Flyers received up to #1833. There is one more thing to report about the NABI's. #7629 is now retired.

Well it's time for October's update. Quite a few TMC's have been retired leaving my list at 57 left. Let's start at North Park. Of the 19 reported at NP last month #4506, #4507, #4525, #4533, #4541, #4548, #4556, #4559, #4574,#4586 and #4603 were retired. Nine went to 77th they were #4516, #4535, #4543, #4557, #4565, #4589, #4591, #4592 and #4601. So that leaves North Park you guessed it with nothing left for #4400's. 77th garage has 25 left they are #4404, #4413, #4445, #4451, #4459, #4516, #4534, #4535, #4543, #4550, #4552, #4554, #4557, #4565, #4579, #4589, #4591, #4592, #4601, #4605, #4758, #4762, #4789, #4793, and #4828. Retired are #4471, #4478, #4551, #4582, #4613, #4618, #4656, #4678, #4795, #4804, #4809, and #4816. At 103rd I have 32 left they are #4415, #4485, #4519, #4607, #4609, #4618, #4634, #4645, #4648, #4658, #4687, #4705, #4709 - #4711, #4716, #4721, #4732, #4735, #4745 - #4749, #4761, #4774, #4831, #4836, #4850, #4860 - #4862 and #4865. Retired are #4419, #4558, #4600, #4617, #4638, #4655, #4659, #4662, #4665, #4667, #4698, #4728, #4729, #4738, #4739, #4752, #4754, #4759, #4773, #4840, #4845, #4852 and #4867. My list reflects all #1000's deliveries through today which is up to #1898 minus #1888. So the list is current as of this week. Something to note on a sidebar, #7675 is back at Kedzie from it's long hiatus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday on Plymouth south of Jackson I saw a CTA Incident Command Bus which was a TMC and numbered 4905. This was across the street from the Flx Metro I mentioned in another post. Both buses looked pretty clean BTW.

Gene King

Last weekend WB-12 and WB-11 (former #4900's) were at State/Lake as workers worked on the elevated structure there. WB-12 had a row of lockers inside it. Also the destination was frozen and read Navy Pier. It's weird but almost half the #4900 fleet is working in another capacity. I can think of 6. CFD's bus ex- #4908, #4905 mentioned above, and 4 WB's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's time for October's update. Quite a few TMC's have been retired leaving my list at 60 left. Let's start at North Park. Of the 19 reported at NP last month #4506, #4507, #4525, #4533, #4541, #4548, #4556, #4559, #4574,#4586 and #4603 were retired. Nine went to 77th they were #4516, #4535, #4543, #4557, #4565, #4589, #4591, #4592 and #4601. So that leaves North Park you guessed it with nothing left for #4400's. 77th garage has 26 left they are #4404, #4413, #4415, #4445, #4451, #4459, #4516, #4534, #4535, #4543, #4550, #4552, #4554, #4557, #4565, #4579, #4589, #4591, #4592, #4601, #4605, #4758, #4762, #4789, #4793, and #4828. Retired are #4471, #4478, #4551, #4582, #4613, #4618, #4656, #4678, #4795, #4804, #4809, and #4816. At 103rd I have 34 left they are #4415, #4485, #4519, #4607, #4609, #4618, #4634, #4645, #4648, #4658, #4671, #4687, #4705, #4709 - #4711, #4716, #4721, #4732, #4735, #4745 - #4749, #4761, #4774, #4781, #4831, #4836, #4850, #4860 - #4862 and #4865. Retired are #4419, #4558, #4600, #4617, #4638, #4655, #4659, #4662, #4665, #4667, #4698, #4728, #4729, #4738, #4739, #4752, #4754, #4759, #4773, #4840, #4845, #4852 and #4867. My list reflects all #1000's deliveries through today which is up to #1898 minus #1888. So the list is current as of this week. Something to note on a sidebar, #7675 is back at Kedzie from it's long hiatus.

Time for November's update. The TMC count continues to dwindle, it now stands at 44 left. 77th garage has 22 left they are #4404, #4415, #4445, #4459, #4516, #4519, #4535, #4543, #4550, #4579. #4589, #4592, #4605, #4609, #4618, #4634, #4671, #4687, #4758, #4789, #4793 and #4828. Retired are #4413, #4451, #4534, #4552, #4554, #4557, #4565, #4591, #4601, #4607 and #4762. At 103rd I have 22 left they are #4648, #4658, #4705, #4710, #4711, #4716, #4721, #4732, #4735, #4745 - #4749, #4761, #4774, #4781, #4831, #4836, #4850, #4860 and #4862. Retired are #4485, #4645, #4709, #4861 and #4865. The list reflects deliveries through #1910. Update: As of December the 5th we were down to only 12 #4400's left. All TMC's are now gone from 103rd. So the 12 remaining at 77th are #4535, #4543, #4579, #4592, #4711, #4732, #4748, #4774, #4781, #4789, #4850 and #4862. Retired are #4404, #4415, #4445, #4459, #4516, #4519, #4550, #4589, #4605, #4609, #4618, #4634, #4648, #4658, #4671, #4687, #4705, #4710, #4716, #4721, #4735, #4745 -#4747, #4749, #4758, #4761, #4793, #4828, #4831, #4836 and #4860.

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Time for November's update. The TMC count continues to dwindle, it now stands at 44 left. 77th garage has 22 left they are #4404, #4415, #4445, #4459, #4516, #4519, #4535, #4543, #4550, #4579. #4589, #4592, #4605, #4609, #4618, #4634, #4671, #4687, #4758, #4789, #4793 and #4828. Retired are #4413, #4451, #4534, #4552, #4554, #4557, #4565, #4591, #4601, #4607 and #4762. At 103rd I have 22 left they are #4648, #4658, #4705, #4710, #4711, #4716, #4721, #4732, #4735, #4745 - #4749, #4761, #4774, #4781, #4831, #4836, #4850, #4860 and #4862. Retired are #4485, #4645, #4709, #4861 and #4865. The list reflects deliveries through #1910.

Actually, there has been even more movement than that lately. As of Nov 20, 77th is down to 18 TMCs -

4404, 4415, 4445, 4516, 4519, 4535, 4543, 4550, 4579, 4589, 4592, 4605, 4609, 4671, 4687, 4758, 4789, 4828

103rd has 15 - 4648, 4658, 4710, 4711, 4732, 4745, 4748, 4749, 4761, 4774, 4781, 4831, 4850, 4860, 4862

This reflects deliveries up to 1922 and 4016.

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Actually, there has been even more movement than that lately. As of Nov 20, 77th is down to 18 TMCs -

4404, 4415, 4445, 4516, 4519, 4535, 4543, 4550, 4579, 4589, 4592, 4605, 4609, 4671, 4687, 4758, 4789, 4828

103rd has 15 - 4648, 4658, 4710, 4711, 4732, 4745, 4748, 4749, 4761, 4774, 4781, 4831, 4850, 4860, 4862

This reflects deliveries up to 1922 and 4016.

Thanks for the update. My info was about a week old that's why I said up to #1910. It's good that you put what's left, something you didn't put before. Knowing what's retired is as enjoyable as knowing what has arrived, that's one reason I started this topic.

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Actually, there has been even more movement than that lately. As of Nov 20, 77th is down to 18 TMCs -

4404, 4415, 4445, 4516, 4519, 4535, 4543, 4550, 4579, 4589, 4592, 4605, 4609, 4671, 4687, 4758, 4789, 4828

103rd has 15 - 4648, 4658, 4710, 4711, 4732, 4745, 4748, 4749, 4761, 4774, 4781, 4831, 4850, 4860, 4862

As of 11/24, five moves from 103rd to 77th - 4648, 4658, 4710, 4711 & 4732. Total of 4400s remains at 33 -- 23 at 77th, 10 at 103rd.

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As of 11/24, five moves from 103rd to 77th - 4648, 4658, 4710, 4711 & 4732. Total of 4400s remains at 33 -- 23 at 77th, 10 at 103rd.

Big drop in 4400s this week. Down from 33 to 22 with the retirement of these 11 buses

From 103rd = 4745, 4749 & 4761

From 77th = 4516, 4550, 4648, 4658, 4687, 4710, 4758 & 4828

That leaves 15 at 77th and 7 at 103rd.

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That leaves 15 at 77th and 7 at 103rd.

Since it is Thanksgiving, some made it past that, but the later pronouncement that the 4400s, 5300s, and 5800s will be gone around the turn of the year (especially if 3 track ends then, as projected), is looking better.

Better get in your last rides.

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Better get in your last rides.

Most def. I hope someone will record audio of it and upload it like this


It's amazing how time has sprinted forward. I was just a year old when the TMC's and Flxible's were being delivered, now I am seeing them being phased out.

If possible, can anyone post a history/timeline of the TMC/Flxible's? Like what garages got what first, delivery dates etc...

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It's amazing how time has sprinted forward. I was just a year old when the TMC's and Flxible's were being delivered, now I am seeing them being phased out.
So I guess you are 18 or 19 now.

If possible, can anyone post a history/timeline of the TMC/Flxible's? Like what garages got what first, delivery dates etc...

Bill V's Garage Assignments page is much more authoritative (look especially at 1992 and 1996), but to give a stab at that:

Originally: TMCs at NP, K, and 77. Bill also reported somewhere on his site that the original 4400s went to 77 and moved to NP as more arrived. The 4900s went to whatever garage served Lake St.

Flxs at 103, C (according to some reports, first Lawndale), FG and A.

Bill then reported that some buses were swapped between 77 and F so 77 could get some air conditioned buses. Apparently, F got its Flxs back when 77 got 6000s.

In 1995, with 77, K, and 74 getting 6000s, and NP getting 5800s, Flxs stayed pretty much in place, but the 4400s were split up among all of the garages, except that K temporarily lost its. The breakdown then was essentially NP, 74, 103, C, A, F, and 77, in that order. K then got back some in the 4480s or so range.

There was then the swap between F and K (about in 2000) when it was decided that the outdoor garages would get buses with preheaters. K got FG's roughly 4700s and 5500s. The rehabs on the 4400s was going on about then, and any semblance of numeric order soon ended.

With the arrival of the Novas, A and C kept their Flxs, for the most part, but sent their TMCs elsewhere (primarily NP and 103, to retire MAN 4000s).

I forgot the swap a couple of years ago, where 77 got most of 103's 5300s.

Which sort of brings us to the current confusing times. :rolleyes:

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It's amazing how time has sprinted forward. I was just a year old when the TMC's and Flxible's were being delivered, now I am seeing them being phased out.

So I guess you are 18 or 19 now.

Where would be the best place to find a TMC?, now that there are so few?

Haha, I'm just a little under that age currently. ;) Loved riding a TMC back on the #62 Archer when I was so young. :P

I just rode one this morning on the #24, rode it home from Target at Roosevelt. I was out hunting for some Black Friday deals, but didn't find anything I needed. :lol:

Gotta say, the best of the best have yet to stick around much longer, since #4516 (or was it #4519, I completely forgot) still had its heater kicking in this cold weather; it was so warm and toasty! :D I was a little shocked to have picked up a TMC so early in the morning (a little before 7 AM this morning), but hey, a TMC is a TMC indeed. :) We all will certainly miss them.

I would recommend many of 77th's routes, but for me, I've seen a lot of "rare" buses on the #24 recently, such as Forest Glen's former Novas, a New Flyer here or there, and if you're lucky, a TMC. I'm not that good at giving advice, but that's pretty much all I know about how to find a bus you really want to ride; just pick a route out of a garage that obviously has the bus type, and hope that one will eventually come. I'm sure one of the many kind busfans on this forum has better advice than me! :P

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Greenstreet had #4516 listed as toast just yesterday, so the total can be raised to 23- not that one bus matters.

It may have been 4519, after looking through the lists, since the only thing I remember was a TMC that had the front 3 numbers of 451x, completely forgot the last number. My mistake on that part.

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Greenstreet had #4516 listed as toast just yesterday, so the total can be raised to 23- not that one bus matters.

Certain buses have had a tendency to come back from the grave. It's rare ( I can only recall 4 or 5 #5822 is one you mentioned) ) but it happens. If there is a shortage then it can go back in service for a limited time only. Most buses sit in scrap lots at South Shops until they get the call to be sent to the junkyard. Nothings really final until then.

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Greenstreet had #4516 listed as toast just yesterday, so the total can be raised to 23- not that one bus matters.

Big drop in 4400s this week. Down from 33 to 22 with the retirement of these 11 buses

From 103rd = 4745, 4749 & 4761

From 77th = 4516, 4550, 4648, 4658, 4687, 4710, 4758 & 4828

That leaves 15 at 77th and 7 at 103rd.

As of Nov 26, those buses I listed were retired from service - at least according to the roster CTA's South Shops sends out to its staff and affected vendors (sometimes daily). However, as nflyer's sighting indicates, at least one of the retired buses, 4516, may have gotten back into service. (His other possible sighting, 4519, was noted as retired out of 77th today.)

As of Dec. 1, though, the 4400s remaining active on CTA's roster are:

  • 17 at 77th -- 4404, 4415, 4445, 4535, 4543, 4579, 4589, 4592, 4605, 4609, 4671, 4711, 4732, 4774, 4781, 4789, and 4860, and
  • 3 at 103rd -- 4748, 4850 and 4862

I guess it remains to be seen if anyone will catch a sight of one of the buses off the active rosters making its way back to service.

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Actually according to the homepage updates, those last 3 TMCs are already gone fron 103rd, so it's already hard to see them continue to get more 1000s from the current deliveries now that they've started getting 4000s too.

Correct. The last 3 TMCs are gone from 103rd and 77th is down to 12 -- 4535, 4543, 4579, 4592, 4711, 4732, 4748, 4774, 4781, 4789, 4850 and 4862

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