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But a standee would be in the aisle and still be subject to fall on the wheelchair. I must be missing something here cause it still don't make sense.

Even moreso, the seat itself. It's a weird configuration, that, if you're standing on top of the seat and the wheelchair bench, there's little clearance to sit down with the wheelchair without the issue of the wheelchair itself falling onto the person.

I wish I could draw a diagram. Heh

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Even moreso, the seat itself. It's a weird configuration, that, if you're standing on top of the seat and the wheelchair bench, there's little clearance to sit down with the wheelchair without the issue of the wheelchair itself falling onto the person.

I wish I could draw a diagram. Heh

Maybe you have the explanation why Pace Orion Is didn't have a flip up longitudinal seat in front of the securement position.

The Orion VIs may be screwed up in that both securement positions are on the left side, because of the equipment under the longitudinal right seats.

However, I would guess that the only explanation is that for some reason, they want the seat in the securement position kept in the upright position, maybe because it will not flip properly. I couldn't tell from the picture whether the "seat" is propped up.

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Maybe you have the explanation why Pace Orion Is didn't have a flip up longitudinal seat in front of the securement position.

The Orion VIs may be screwed up in that both securement positions are on the left side, because of the equipment under the longitudinal right seats.

However, I would guess that the only explanation is that for some reason, they want the seat in the securement position kept in the upright position, maybe because it will not flip properly. I couldn't tell from the picture whether the "seat" is propped up.

The CTA #1930's also are configured in this fashion, but have the wall between wheelchair positions. What i don't understand about the Orions is if Pace were worried about a wall for the wheelchair position (which is there regardless of whether that back seat is raised or not) what is the concern then for the front wheelchair position that has no wall?

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I can't wait for Pace North Shore to get rid of its NABIs!

Three of them this summer & one last summer, on very hot days managed to have both the A/C & heat running at the same time.

You'd think with that much of a problem, Pace would install a manual valve to shut off the hot water to the radiators inside the bus all summer.

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I didn't realize that the 855 was actually split into 3 routes, the 850, 851, and the 855 until recently. There are some trips that still combine the routes, but I guess this happened nearly a month ago. I just started seeing the 850 and 851 on I-55 last week.

Was mentioned, at least here.

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I can't wait for Pace North Shore to get rid of its NABIs!

Three of them this summer & one last summer, on very hot days managed to have both the A/C & heat running at the same time.

You'd think with that much of a problem, Pace would install a manual valve to shut off the hot water to the radiators inside the bus all summer.

Some of the NABIs at North Division have had that problem too. Mostly the 6200s I've noticed.

One of them, if the dashboard switch was set to heat, you got cold. Set to cold, you got heat. At least that's how it appeared. The switch looked like a basic toggle you can get at Ace Hardware, and it probably got rotated 180 degrees or something.

It was probably more complicated than that though. All I remember of it, was that the floor heater was so hot, I burned my ankle on it.

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I can't wait for Pace North Shore to get rid of its NABIs!

Three of them this summer & one last summer, on very hot days managed to have both the A/C & heat running at the same time.

You'd think with that much of a problem, Pace would install a manual valve to shut off the hot water to the radiators inside the bus all summer.

Of course that will take a few more years considering Pace still has to rid itself of the Orion VI buses first, get funding for buses that would start replacing the NABIs, and wait until 2017 for the 6262s out of the NABIs to reach retirement age before they can start replacing that set of NABIs.

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Some of the NABIs at North Division have had that problem too. Mostly the 6200s I've noticed.

One of them, if the dashboard switch was set to heat, you got cold. Set to cold, you got heat. At least that's how it appeared. The switch looked like a basic toggle you can get at Ace Hardware, and it probably got rotated 180 degrees or something.

It was probably more complicated than that though. All I remember of it, was that the floor heater was so hot, I burned my ankle on it.

Yes, all were 6200s

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I can't wait for Pace North Shore to get rid of its NABIs!

Three of them this summer & one last summer, on very hot days managed to have both the A/C & heat running at the same time.

You'd think with that much of a problem, Pace would install a manual valve to shut off the hot water to the radiators inside the bus all summer.

Actually, the AC and heat are DESIGNED to both be always on. A thermostat controls which one is producing at any given time. The problem is that when the thermostat goes bad, which ever one was last on now stays on regardless. Might not be a problem in June, when it will probably be AC running for several months, but in October when it's AC one day, heat the next it can be a problem if it is stuck on AC! Back in the 1980's the CTA disconnected the thermostats on the 9000's and 9600's, and remember the result. Either cold buses in fall or hot buses in spring (into summer in some cases!).

You might ask, why not just have a Heat-AC-off switch by the driver? 1000's and 7400's were like that. However, drivers figured out AC takes a lot of power off, basically turns a V-8 into a V-6, so if you have a choice of fast, hot bus or slow, cool bus, guess which the driver prefers? Remember, driver had an opening window! So the 9000's were set up so the drivers could not mess with the settings, as have all buses since.

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Actually, the AC and heat are DESIGNED to both be always on. A thermostat controls which one is producing at any given time. The problem is that when the thermostat goes bad, which ever one was last on now stays on regardless. Might not be a problem in June, when it will probably be AC running for several months, but in October when it's AC one day, heat the next it can be a problem if it is stuck on AC! Back in the 1980's the CTA disconnected the thermostats on the 9000's and 9600's, and remember the result. Either cold buses in fall or hot buses in spring (into summer in some cases!).

You might ask, why not just have a Heat-AC-off switch by the driver? 1000's and 7400's were like that. However, drivers figured out AC takes a lot of power off, basically turns a V-8 into a V-6, so if you have a choice of fast, hot bus or slow, cool bus, guess which the driver prefers? Remember, driver had an opening window! So the 9000's were set up so the drivers could not mess with the settings, as have all buses since.

That still doesn't explain why BOTH the A/C & heat have been on AT THE SAME TIME on the 6200 NABIs this summer.

Since it happens on so many of these buses, they need to install a manual shut off valve so that the heat can't be on from June 1 - October 1.

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That still doesn't explain why BOTH the A/C & heat have been on AT THE SAME TIME on the 6200 NABIs this summer.

Since it happens on so many of these buses, they need to install a manual shut off valve so that the heat can't be on from June 1 - October 1.

Except later this week, the overnight lows will be in the 40s.

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That still doesn't explain why BOTH the A/C & heat have been on AT THE SAME TIME on the 6200 NABIs this summer.

Since it happens on so many of these buses, they need to install a manual shut off valve so that the heat can't be on from June 1 - October 1.

The only way to explain this would be an electrical malfunction where one or the other has not shut off while the other is on. Seems like thermostat has failed.

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Wonder when it will be done since the season is over now ready for spring? Of course isn't the 307. Changes based on it opening?

Are you expecting instant construction or gratification? If so, write Customer Service.

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This project is independent of the denzient soccer team that occupies the adjacent building.

Maybe in a financial sense, but there was a reason the destination sign on the 2 buses at the groundbreaking was 'TOYOTA PARK EXPRESS." I don't think Jan was there and they were selling Camrys.

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I thought the original story behind the tc was primarily to serve the sports stadium

Yes, but also as a potential pulse point to the remainder of the system. Again, you don't necessarily have soccer season in order for the TC to open (then again, it would supposed to have been done this year--that one, I can't account for).

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