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If u can own a bus what will it be?


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I wish that CTA would get them to replace 7500s.

We can all wish. But, with an articulated bus now going for $800,000 (and a standard one for $400,000) where are you or CTA getting the money? Let's see 226 * $800 = $180,800,000. That's like over $100 million (almost $200 million).

Let's face it:

  • A bus purchased with FTA funds has a minimum life of 12 years. Trainman's right, despite claimed problems with NABIs, they are going to be around at least to 2017.
  • Nova has withdrawn from the US transit market, and you have no evidence that its articulated (which is just rolling out) is any better mechanically. CTA got burned on a first time purchase from NABI, so why should it be burned again on a Nova startup?
  • Going back to your other wish list, either CTA gets funding and buys the Seattle Option articulateds to replace about 200 buses (as mentioned, 6000s, either directly or indirectly) or about 700 buses are going to be scrapped or locked in the closed depots.

While you and exitzero have had your arguments about bus aesthetics, I could say that I don't like the flat face New Flyers and wish they were replaced already. However, that is a $410,400,000 contract (approximately, not knowing the inflation escalators) and not happening until at least 2021 (and according to sw, probably not until 2025). I'm sure you know what the Jetsons bus assembly company will have by then, but forget it.

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The 7500s are being half replaced by the leftover Seattle order from NewFlyer(2000series hybrid artics)

They are not being replaced. They are being supplemented. There is no intent to withdraw any of the NABI fleet from service, except for maybe a couple that have been wrecked or seriously damaged in accidents, fires, or what have you.

The rest of the buses are going to stick around for a while, even when the New Flyers get here. That said, when the New Flyers start arriving (assuming the funding is approved), there will supposedly be a period when a few NABIs are taken out of service and given whatever major work needs to be done to hopefully bring those buses up to a decent, workable standard. But, they will return to service and the result will be a larger articulated bus fleet of around 370-ish buses.

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Also, what rmadison says makes sense based on a practicality viewpoint. The main advantage of hybrid buses is that they capture energy from regenerative braking. Hence, they would make less sense on an express route, where NABIs now mostly operate. Put them on a crowded local like 79th, and you would maximize the savings with the number of stops. The presentation says that there has to be enough savings that a $800,000 hybrid artic. ends up costing about the same as a $400,000 diesel standard bus. Not saying that I know that it would happen, but it would make sense.

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