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29 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

Do they have to keep those around or they default on the grant money? I suppose they could keep them around but they would hardly be used.

Only reasons I mentioned it were (1) you implied FG would be short, and (2)(a) that's the justification for the grant, (b) but they aren't going to forfeit it, and (c) even if they did, they still have the money for 27 buses, the grant being only for the incremental cost of making them electric, so 27 buses are eventually (probably in 2018) going to be replaced with something else.

Whether they are hardly used is another question, but that seems a change from your prior implications that all equipment on the roster was necessary (at least to the extent you previously stated FG was going to be stuck with a large number of Novas indefinitely).

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1 hour ago, Busjack said:

Only reasons I mentioned it were (1) you implied FG would be short, and (2)(a) that's the justification for the grant, (b) but they aren't going to forfeit it, and (c) even if they did, they still have the money for 27 buses, the grant being only for the incremental cost of making them electric, so 27 buses are eventually (probably in 2018) going to be replaced with something else.

Whether they are hardly used is another question, but that seems a change from your prior implications that all equipment on the roster was necessary (at least to the extent you previously stated FG was going to be stuck with a large number of Novas indefinitely).

Well CTA stated in the application they would have 102 #6400's left over, so I'm basing the large number of Novas on that, but now they throw us these #1000's at FG so that idea must be off the table. I didn't really say they would be short at FG, in fact with the #8325's and 60 NF's I don't think they need the #6400's. Now if they stop at #8324, they probably will need about 30 old buses, but why would anyone use those outside of rush hour? They are not dependable, they are old, the signs don't work, they're slow, no sneeze guards. The list goes on and on. 

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12 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

but why would anyone use those outside of rush hour? They are not dependable, they are old, the signs don't work, they're slow, no sneeze guards. The list goes on and on. 

But it basically gets down to why there were still MAN Americanas around after the Nova deliveries in 2002. Turns out they were to be replaced by something else (NABIs).

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27 minutes ago, Busjack said:

But it basically gets down to why there were still MAN Americanas around after the Nova deliveries in 2002. Turns out they were to be replaced by something else (NABIs).

If they do keep some it probably will be just to satisfy the grant. Why would you try and maintain a fleet so small? At least the MAN's were 50 or 60 buses.

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The other part of why there were still MAN Americanas around up till 2004 is that CTA had increased service in a sense at that time through the Skokie/Evanston study and the Lake Shore Drive area study. The 11 got extended to Howard/McCormick through the former. Plus we got the 134, 143, former 144,  daily and eventually later service on 147, and later the 148 (after Inner Drive highrise folks squawked that 145 expressing to Irving Park left them a bus short) on the north side and the X3 (a renumbered 3 Limited), X4, later and daily 14 service, the 26 and daily conversion of the 28 into an express route on the south side from the latter. Of course X3 and X4 were eliminated, the 14 became J14 and the 28 converted back to a local route with express service operated as a separate rush only route X28. X28 then folded back into the 28 back in December 2012 as part of De-Crowd with service hours downtown reduced from what they were for X28.

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I wonder if we'll see some transfers on this bus transfers 'eve. o.O:P

'Twas the night before bus transfers, when all through the yard

not a bus was stirring, not even the guard.

The buses were parked in the yard with care,

in hopes that newer buses soon would be there.


The bus fans were snug in their beds

while visions of 8200's danced through their heads

Supervisors put down their clipboards, and operators laid down their caps

and had settled their thoughts on a long, restful nap


When out in the yard there arose such a clatter

that everyone came out to see what's the matter

Away to the computer the fans flew in a dash

to see if newer buses had arrived in a flash


with a little old driver so lively and quick

they knew in this moment it was like St. Nick

more rapid than eagles, the buses flew in

as the old driver led them in with a grin


now #1030, now #1031

now #1032 and #1033

on #1034, on #1035

on #1036 on #1037

to the center of the yard

by the transportation building door

now dash away dash away

and get us some more!! xD

(see this is what happens when I have nothing new to talk about) xD







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3 hours ago, BusHunter said:

I wonder if we'll see some transfers on this bus transfers 'eve. o.O:P

'Twas the night before bus transfers, when all through the yard

not a bus was stirring, not even the guard.

The buses were parked in the yard with care,

in hopes that newer buses soon would be there.


The bus fans were snug in their beds

while visions of 8200's danced through their heads

Supervisors put down their clipboards, and operators laid down their caps

and had settled their thoughts on a long, restful nap


When out in the yard there arose such a clatter

that everyone came out to see what's the matter

Away to the computer the fans flew in a dash

to see if newer buses had arrived in a flash


with a little old driver so lively and quick

they knew in this moment it was like St. Nick

more rapid than eagles, the buses flew in

as the old driver led them in with a grin


now #1030, now #1031

now #1032 and #1033

on #1034, on #1035

on #1036 on #1037

to the center of the yard

by the transportation building door

now dash away dash away

and get us some more!! xD

(see this is what happens when I have nothing new to talk about) xD







There was a member named BusHunter

Seeing new buses got him all excited and wired

Then along came mean old Mr. McMahon

And everytime BusHunter disappointed him, he would tell him "BusHunter......




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Forest Glen did not receive any more 1000s this weekend, but there was a swap between 103rd, 74th and Chicago.

103rd got all of the 1050s and the lower 1060s. 74th got 103rd's 1490s and lower 1500s. Chicago got #1799 plus all of 103rd's remaining 1800s.

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3 hours ago, garmon757 said:

103rd has received 1044-1063 from 74th and Chicago respectively. 74th has received 1495-1501 (and maybe some more in the future) from 103rd. Chicago has received 1799, 1801-1803, 1813, 1814, 1817, 1818, 1824, 1831-1833, and 1837 from 103rd.  

Busjack may say CTA is not lining it's ducks up in a row, but it looks like that's exactly what they doing. This #1044-63 looks like it might be lining up for FG to receive them in a future transfer. The #1800's make no sense to send to Chicago until you see Kedzie still has #1076 - 96 barring a few buses. I look for those to go to Kedzie soon for those #1070's. Chicago seems to be purging all it's #1000's, I don't think they'll have any soon. #1490's to 74th is confusing, those should have went to 77th, but alot of the fleet is scattered around so if that's what they are doing we will be here quite a while!!

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8 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

Busjack may say CTA is not lining it's ducks up in a row

I said that the only possible justification was to get blocks together, not that that should make much difference.

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29 minutes ago, Busjack said:

I said that the only possible justification was to get blocks together, not that that should make much difference.

For one it keeps FG with the lowest possible #1000's!! 9_9 They wouldn't want to give them something too new, now would they? They can't do that with some #1000 buses here some there and some in a third or fourth place. Again they seem to be going out of their way to maintain the museum!! xD

The fleet to me seems to be getting a little unbalanced, high #1000 buses with newer novas at 74th and chicago and 103rd with alot of the lower buses. 103rd probably could use a better mix similar to Kedzie. I just hope 103rd is not being set up for the #8200's, they are projected to have alot of the oldest buses.

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6 hours ago, garmon757 said:

103rd has received 1044-1063 from 74th and Chicago respectively. 74th has received 1495-1501 (and maybe some more in the future) from 103rd. Chicago has received 1799, 1801-1803, 1813, 1814, 1817, 1818, 1824, 1831-1833, and 1837 from 103rd.  

#1066 is on the #29

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18 hours ago, BusHunter said:

For one it keeps FG with the lowest possible #1000's!! 9_9 They wouldn't want to give them something too new, now would they? They can't do that with some #1000 buses here some there and some in a third or fourth place. Again they seem to be going out of their way to maintain the museum!! xD

The fleet to me seems to be getting a little unbalanced, high #1000 buses with newer novas at 74th and chicago and 103rd with alot of the lower buses. 103rd probably could use a better mix similar to Kedzie. I just hope 103rd is not being set up for the #8200's, they are projected to have alot of the oldest buses.

Oh come on now. Was it not you who was front in line saying FG should be getting NFs? I think I also remember you put up a fuss that Chicago was the main garage  sending in NFs to 74th to fill in the gap for 6400s down there that 8000-8099 couldn't fill numerically. Now you're fussing that the NFs FG got are from the lower end when the argument before was that FG should get to have some NFs now that they've all been rebuilt. There's just no satisfying you.xD9_9 Those NFs FG got went through the same rebuild as the rest unless we really want to say CTA spent roughly a half billion dollars to create or leave lemons.

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4 hours ago, jajuan said:

Oh come on now. Was it not you who was front in line saying FG should be getting NFs? I think I also remember you put up a fuss that Chicago was the main garage  sending in NFs to 74th to fill in the gap for 6400s down there that 8000-8099 couldn't fill numerically. Now you're fussing that the NFs FG got are from the lower end when the argument before was that FG should get to have some NFs now that they've all been rebuilt. There's just no satisfying you.xD9_9 Those NFs FG got went through the same rebuild as the rest unless we really want to say CTA spent roughly a half billion dollars to create or leave lemons.

Well put it this way, the only reason they are getting NF's now is because there is nothing else to send them. They are not going to have no buses now are they? What Fg needed was some NF's given back to them after rehab and what happened is that they were taken away. If they do end up with 60 NF's, they will be no better off then they were 3 years ago. What they could really use right now is a few more mechanics and a wrecker. Spotted #6798 on a hook yesterday and #6552 has joined the destinations don't work category. I think they've given up on rear destinations on the base #6400's. Hardly any of those work.

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1 hour ago, Mr.cta85 said:

1071 and 1161 are both at 103rd Look out for bus swaps guys this weekend.

Yeah I was going to say it Twas the night before bus transfers again, but last time it wasn't too fruitful up north here. xD Hopefully they can get better results this week. With the new pick starting, isn't it time to send buses from 74th up to np and chicago again for the summer? Unfortunately FG isn't involved in that.

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7 minutes ago, BusHunter said:

Hmm, 103rd gains 17 and loses 5, now that's balanced. Did they lose something else?

So far no but after carefully looking at your roster, you already got 1045 and 1046 at 103rd even though that's correct but I was about to say that 103rd got them.

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