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New Eldorados?


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  On 3/30/2013 at 10:11 PM, jesi2282 said:

We're now up to 6370 at West...

This means that we are closer to bus number 6376, the last bus in the currently-in-progress delivery of the conventionally equipped Axesses. It is still unclear which numbers the 15 buses in the Express configuration will receive.

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Knowing Pace they might just keep going with 6377 and upward.

On a side note, I got a good look at 6323 today, the only thing different about it, is that it has some sort of accessibility feature the other Eldo's don't have, I really don't know what it is but it looks like something a person would lean back on, its located in the forward section where the wheelchairs are usually straped in, on the right side.

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  On 3/31/2013 at 12:14 AM, jesi2282 said:

Knowing Pace they might just keep going with 6377 and upward.

On a side note, I got a good look at 6323 today, the only thing different about it, is that it has some sort of accessibility feature the other Eldo's don't have, I really don't know what it is but it looks like something a person would lean back on, its located in the forward section where the wheelchairs are usually straped in, on the right side.

Anything in the picture from BusCon show what you are describing?

Sort of looks like there is a gray loop in roughly that area (where the man with the gray hair is standing).

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  On 3/29/2013 at 1:48 PM, Busjack said:

The long angst is over. 6323:


Also, looking at Waukegan, there were only 2 2401s out, but I assume that it is spring break, and there were 3 ghost buses.

You could not possibly have seen 2421 out. It is in the back lot of the garage having caught fire a few weeks ago. The new Pope sprinkled holy water on it, and it erupted in flames! :o

North only ever had two 40' 2400s.

Unless you mean 2400s in general, both 35 and 40 footers. Reading that bus 2400 was a Nova kind of throws things off, as collecitvely, buses 2401 to 2453 are known around here as "2400s" or just "24s", along with "the good buses" of course.

I suppose technically everyone should call them the "2401s", as 2400 itself was a Nova Classic, but as North never had Novas, and saying "2400s" is much more natural than saying "2401s", I don't think calling them "2400s" will change.

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  On 3/31/2013 at 1:48 PM, Railwaymodeler said:


Unless you mean 2400s in general, both 35 and 40 footers. Reading that bus 2400 was a Nova kind of throws things off, as collecitvely, buses 2401 to 2453 are known around here as "2400s" or just "24s", along with "the good buses" of course.

I suppose technically everyone should call them the "2401s", as 2400 itself was a Nova Classic, but as North never had Novas, and saying "2400s" is much more natural than saying "2401s", I don't think calling them "2400s" will change.

Which I did, for the reason you stated in the last paragraph, and because trainman mistook the last post when this came up.

Of the two buses out, one was 2401 and the other was a 244something.

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  On 3/31/2013 at 3:30 AM, Busjack said:

Anything in the picture from BusCon show what you are describing?

Sort of looks like there is a gray loop in roughly that area (where the man with the gray hair is standing).

New Q*straint wheelchair locking mechanism. It's a prototype compared to the system that we've known for decades.

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  On 3/31/2013 at 3:28 PM, MetroShadow said:

New Q*straint wheelchair locking mechanism. It's a prototype compared to the system that we've known for decades.

From looking at their site, it seems like they are concerned with docking scooters, which are becoming more common.

So next bit of speculation--was 6323's delivery delayed because it was on a promotional tour for it?

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  On 4/1/2013 at 1:03 AM, jesi2282 said:

Its on the lower left corner of the picture, the "cushion" with the yellow bar behind it...

So, I take it that a scooter was docked backwards against that cushion in the picture?

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I saw 6373 yesterday on Rt 313. That means we are pretty close to delivery time for the "Express" buses, as there are only 3 more buses left to be delivered to West (if they haven't been already delivered). The question is when will the next option be excercised and how many will be in that option? Then it will be a question of where those buses would be assigned? Whenever that option comes, I would assume it would be to start retiring the Orions, but will they start deliveries at NW to retire the oldest Orions, or will they continue to deliver to West to rid them of their Orions (thus making their fleet NABI and Eldorado only), or would they even consider SW, which would be easy to make an all Eldorado garage?

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  On 4/6/2013 at 3:11 PM, artthouwill said:

.... The question is when will the next option be excercised and how many will be in that option?...

The problem with Pace, going back to at least 2003, is that you can't tell from the public record.

In this case, the 2012 budget said 172 buses, later cut back to 156. However, the announcements in the past 5 months or so were 69, so there is still the question of approximately 87 budgeted but apparently not in this order.

And one would think that most of the Orion VIs would be next on the chopping block, which would mean both NW and SW becoming all Eldo.

I don't expect any of the 2003-year NABIs replaced until the CNG order comes in starting mid 2014, but probably extending into late 2014.

And based on my last sentence, maybe NW and SW don't become all Eldorado, but get some of the 2003 and 2005 NABIs.

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  On 4/6/2013 at 4:46 PM, Busjack said:

The problem with Pace, going back to at least 2003, is that you can't tell from the public record.

In this case, the 2012 budget said 172 buses, later cut back to 156. However, the announcements in the past 5 months or so were 69, so there is still the question of approximately 87 budgeted but apparently not in this order.

And one would think that most of the Orion VIs would be next on the chopping block, which would mean both NW and SW becoming all Eldo.

I don't expect any of the 2003-year NABIs replaced until the CNG order comes in starting mid 2014, but probably extending into late 2014.

And based on my last sentence, maybe NW and SW don't become all Eldorado, but get some of the 2003 and 2005 NABIs.

If West's order stops and they keep some NABI's, then NW and SW may become all eldo. But if West goes all eldo, then NW will probably go half NABI, half eldo. SW would probably go all eldo regardless, due to their lower volume of 40 footers.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 1:06 AM, buslist said:

A photo of 6385 has appeared on another group. Sliding sedan door, no rear door, upholstered seats with overhead storage.

Not a fan of the sliding door. If drivers aren't careful, it will be easy toknock doors off track with the front wheel, especially downtown.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 1:06 AM, buslist said:

A photo of 6385 has appeared on another group. Sliding sedan door, no rear door, upholstered seats with overhead storage.

That has got to be one of the dumbest designs, IMO. Like artthouwill said, if that front wheel is turned left or right far enough, that door will be broken off it's track, rendering the bus out of service, because I'm sure even if it can be driven, Bus Operators are not permitted to drive passengers with a open door.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 1:06 AM, buslist said:

A photo of 6385 has appeared on another group. Sliding sedan door, no rear door, upholstered seats with overhead storage.

I think that it is neato. Haven't seen a sliding door like that since some IndyGo Orion Is.

And for those of you thinking new series....no.

But, buslist, do you have a link to the original group?

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  On 4/10/2013 at 1:56 AM, sw4400 said:

That has got to be one of the dumbest designs, IMO. Like artthouwill said, if that front wheel is turned left or right far enough, that door will be broken off it's track, rendering the bus out of service, because I'm sure even if it can be driven, Bus Operators are not permitted to drive passengers with a open door.

Did you guys notice it has the windows of prototype #2010. Seems to me like the bus is made more for an BRT/expressway intermodel type station dropoff/pickup that is a straight shot. I don't know how that door is going to work on a city street. Any type of guardrail or any obstruction like a fireplug is going to be in the way of the front door. Remember when CTA had the MAN artics #7100 series, those back doors would always get caught on stuff because they opened out. That's probably the reason why we don't see doors like that anymore on CTA artics.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 2:51 AM, BusHunter said:

Did you guys notice it has the windows of prototype #2010. Seems to me like the bus is made more for an BRT/expressway intermodel type station dropoff/pickup that is a straight shot. I don't know how that door is going to work on a city street. Any type of guardrail or any obstruction like a fireplug is going to be in the way of the front door. Remember when CTA had the MAN artics #7100 series, those back doors would always get caught on stuff because they opened out. That's probably the reason why we don't see doors like that anymore on CTA artics.

  • The picture wasn't clear enough for me to come to the conclusion about the windows. Too much reflection in the window area.
  • As far as loading, if it goes on 877/888, it will load northbound only at the Harvey TC, Blue Island terminal, Homewood Park and Ride,or back lot of Pace South Holland. Only issue is how it would do on the return trip in DuPage County. Similarly, if it goes on 755/855, the only loading inbound would be at Park & Rides. It undoubtedly loads better than an MCI would, and probably unloads better than an MCI, too.
  • Maybe it is more cumbersome if it has to be diverted to a local route, like the Nova Classics eventually were, but I don't know if I foresee that.
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So much for the "express" Axesses using an entirely different block of numbers from the rest of the recent 40-foot fleet. (Although I still believe that the "express" Axesses will use 6385-6399 instead of simply picking up with 6377, which will instead be used for any pickup of options for the main Axess series, in which case the options for additional "regular" Axesses will use 6377-6384 then jump from 6384 straight to 6400.)

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